16. First day

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The whole way back to the hotel, you and the boys tell Taehyung that you, Jungkook and Yoongi need to go to school but he can stay behind with Namjoon.

When you get back the hotel suite, you crash on the couch with a yawn.

"Alright. Let's all get some sleep now."
Namjoon drags a hand through his hair.
Then it hit you...

"Um guys... there's four rooms but five of us..." you say pointing to the rooms.

"Okay I'll sleep on the couch, Taehyung, you can take my room." Namjoon nods with a smile.

You step up to him and shake you head. "No ones sleeping on the couch alright? We have four double beds." You say with hands on your hip.

"I don't mind sleeping on the couch though..." Taehyung intervenes but you shake your finger at him.

"No, two of us can share." You say determined. You didn't want any of the boys freezing on the couch.

"I'll share my bed... it's alright with me." Jungkook says with a shrug. Yoongi clasps his hands together loudly, averting the attention to him.

"Okay, it's decided, Jungkook doesn't mind sharing his bed so... Taehyung, you can sleep with him." Yoongi smirked.

"What?!" Jungkook exclaims. You give him a confused look which makes him cough and shrug. "Oh yeah... yeah that's what I meant. Sure... lets go Taehyung." He motions Taehyung to follow him to his- their room. Jungkook passes Yoongi, he flashes him a quick glare then goes on his way.

Yoongi turns to you and yawns. "Alright Princess, let's go sleep." Yoongi waves and walks off to his room.
You shrug and go to your room to get ready for bed.

When you finally snuggle into your bed, your stomach rumbles like a savage whale.
God I'm starving we didn't even get to eat dinner.
Is your final thought before sleeping.

Your eyes shoot open at the sound of colliding metal. Scrambling out of bed you slide some slippers onto your feet and run to the door. You place your ear against it to hear.
Are we under attack?!

A few seconds later, more banging is heard, you jump back away from the door. Soon later you hear Jungkook yelling "YOONGI GET UP YOU LAZY SLOTH!"
With a groan you bang your head against the door.

"Why are they so stupid!" You mumble to yourself as you swing open your bedroom door and stomp out. Yoongis bedroom door is open so you walk in.... and chaos is all you can see.

Namjoon is banging two pans together next to Yoongis bed while Jungkook and Taehyung are trying to pull the shirtless Yoongi off of his bed.

"Let me go! I need sleep!" Yoongi roars as he clutches onto the mattress. Joon pulls him onto the floor but Yoongi still clinches on for dear life.

"Guys!" You snap, causing them to turn towards you. Jungkooks eyes widens and he quickly throws the duvet over Yoongis bare torso.

"You should've knocked or something." Jungkook mumbles with his arms crossed in a scolding way. With a roll of your eyes you point to the clock on the wall.

"Stop messing around and get ready. Yoongi you need to come to listen in on anything that can give Jimins sin away. So get your lazy ass up and brush your teeth." With a final glare, you leave the four childish boys to get ready.

After brushing your teeth and changing into your school uniform that Joon ordered, you look at yourself in your bedroom mirror. The skirt is slightly too high and the blazer is a bit too big- but at least he tried. With a shrug you grab your black backpack that you brought with you from home and pull it on.

You walk out of your room and gently shut your door before calling out to the guys.
"Come on guys! Let's go!"
Soon after, the four guys step out of their rooms.
Jungkook is wearing his uniform too and Yoongi is wearing all black clothing.

They stop and stare at you Jungkook barely holding in a laugh.
"What...?" You question with inquisitive eyes.
Taehyung cracks into a huge grin and runs over to you.

"You look so small and cute!" He squeals and ruffles your hair. "The blazer is way too big but I think it looks good on you." He laughs.
You shoo him away and roll your eyes, heat rising in your cheeks.

Jungkook coughs and ushers you and Yoongi out the door.
"Come on, let's go before we're late for our first day."
You nod and say your goodbyes before heading out the door.

"Have a great day at summer school guys!" Namjoon calls just as the door shuts.

Yoongi becomes transparent as the three of you leave the hotel and make your way to Busan High School Of Arts.

"It's a walking distance away so we're pretty close." Jungkook says as he straightens his collar.

"Jungkook your tie is already dirty." Yoongi laughs in a condescending tone.

Jungkook glares at the direction of the voice.
You shake your head
"Anyway, when we get there I'll compel the office lady first."

Jungkook nods his head and looks forward again. After a few more minutes of walking and chatting with the guys, you finally make it to the gates of the school.

"Dang it's big." You whisper as you walk through the gates and to the school office.

You manipulate the office lady into enrolling you two into school, lying about the documentation. You get handed your school schedules- identical to Jimins, and head off to your classroom.

After walking a while, you find your room and walk in next to Jungkook, and Yoongi Who's silently and invisibly trailing behind.

"Ah, you must be our two new students, I just got an email from the main office. Please introduce yourselves." The teacher says.

You look at Jungkook and nod towards the teacher asking him to introduce you while you scan the room in search of Jimin.

"Hello, we are transfer students. I'm Jeon Jungkook and this is Y/N L/N. It's great to meet you and I hope we can all be friends."
As Jungkook bows you look around at the students. Trying to find the one person you wanted to be in this class for. And there he is, in the middle row to the far right, right next to the window.
Park Jimin.

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