Part 4 • Michael

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Michael DeAngelo's POV.
Day 1, early morning

I was lightly shaken awake by my dad's mistress to get ready for the plane ride to Bolivia. My father's business trip was supposed to be exciting. I would come with and watch his meeting. Sure, most people say it's boring... and you're right. It is very boring.

"Michael, wake up or you will be late." She coaxed softly. I rolled off the bed and onto the floor. "I don't wanna go!" I wined. Maybe if I complained they would understand how much I hated Bolivia and I wouldn't have to go. That way I would get my way.

It always worked. But not with Katie. She was still standing by my side near the bed. I was going to be 9 years old in two weeks and even I knew this 26-year-old lady was too young for my 59-year-old dad. He didn't treat her right. That always made my skin crawl.

After eating my breakfast I was forced to get dressed and attend my lacrosse practice. Then chess with my father before leaving for the airport.

I was over all of this. It was the same exact routine day by day. The most me and my father have bonded was... well, nothing. He thought I liked chess. Chess was just strategy and although I'm good at it, forced to spend time with my father made me highly dislike it. I wished. No, I always prayed one day my dad would take me fishing or maybe even do a puzzle with me. Something, anything! Anything but chess.

"Checkmate." My father announced with no emotion. I made my move then quickly racked my brain for what to say. "Check," I said.

"Michael. You don't need to say check." My father said sliding his white horse across the board.

I sighed and started for my next move. "Son, how do you feel about Katie?" He asked suddenly. "She's okay I guess. Kinda bossy." I lied, moving my bishop.

"Well, you should get used to her bossing you around. She will be your mother in a few months from now." He said with no emotion, again.

I felt my body get suddenly red hot with anger. "What do you mean..?" I asked wearily. "I asked her to marry me and she said yes." His voice spoke still lacking the one needed element —emotion—.

I thought if you wanted to marry a girl you would say that to your kid with more enthusiasm. Not even, with more happiness in your old eyes at least. He never gave emotion into anything but work, and I barely believed he gave emotion into that either.

I watched his hand move his knight before placing it on the next spot on the board. The light was cast in from the tall ceilings skylight.

"Marry? But your almost 60... and she's..." I started to say but stayed silent not understanding how to talk with all this sudden information on me.

"Michael I presumed you would have been more happy about this. You like Katie." His slimy mouth said. I watched as his wrinkles got more noticeable as he saw my next move on the chessboard. 

"Yeah. And I thought you would have been more happy about this too." I said in a voice that would surely get me punished if I kept this act up.

But I didn't care. As I was just about to say something but Katie spoke in the doorway. "Charlie. Can we speak for a minute." She said aloud. I could see her eyes from where I was sitting and the sadness was very clear. I didn't like Katie but seeing the stray tear slide down her cheek made me feel a small tug at my heart.

"Of course." My father said but in the kindness of his voice, you could hear the strain.

He got up and pushed his chair in. I watched as they walked into his office.

After a few minutes of waiting and they didn't come back out, I got out of my chair and walked over to the room they were in. As I got closer I could hear yelling. I felt my arms shake slightly, Katie wasn't yelling but my father was. His voice was powerful and scary. I couldn't quite make out the words but since I ever rarely saw emotion from him, his voice anger left me still. Frozen in the hallway in front of his door.

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