Part 32

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Michael DeAngelo's POV.
Day 24, afternoon

"Fucking run goddammit!!!" Lucas suddenly yelled pulling me from my own mind. I started to run and saw Darcy didn't move. I wasted no time and grabbed ahold of Darcy's hand and pulled her along behind me.

We ran until we couldn't breathe then we walked until it got dark.

Day 24, sunset

"M-Michael." Darcy cries into her palms. We were currently sitting on a rock as she cried. I didn't know whether to pat her back or not touch her? Or do I say something funny? Oh or something nice? Maybe not the time to be funny. I could get her more flowers? She liked the flowers the first time and I don't want her to cry. Oh god please stop crying, Darcy. I don't want to see my girl—uh Darcy—whose not my girl—cry. Maybe I should hug her I mean it was nice the first time but maybe she will just slap me again because—

"Michael..." she sniffed. I think I actually heard my heart broke.

I went to pat her back but then pulled my hand away. Arghh what do I do!

All my thinking stopped when Darcy leaned into my side and rested her head on my shoulder. "Lucas is dead because of us."

"He's not dead," I reassured. But I was wary. "I think," I said because I didn't want to lie to her but I also didn't want to scare her. But if I didn't tell her I would feel bad again but if I did would she start crying again? I don't know! I don't know! Girls are confusing.

I stood up knowing we needed to get back to Lucas. I'm sure the wolf was gone by now unless... ok no Michael. Lucas is not dead. If he hasn't died yet, obviously he's not going to soon! Please god, don't kill him.

"Michael, what are you doing?" Darcy's voice broke my mile-a-minute thoughts. I realized that I was now looking up to the sky with my hands clasped together. I'm not going to tell her that I was praying for Lucas to be alive because it contradicts what I said.

"I caught a bug! Time to go!" I said whilst looking around. "Which way did we come?" I asked. Darcy pointed east and followed her action by saying "I I'm not sure though." I grabbed her hand. Just before I was about to haul her back to where we think Lucas could be, I stopped. I let go of her hand and grabbed a fist full of wildflowers that were collected by my feet. I gave them to Darcy and her smile warmed my heart.

"Let's go!" I said before running off with her hand in mine again on a search to find Lucas.

Meghan Polinsky's POV
Day 24, night

"I ran you a bath." A deep voice said effectively breaking me away from my ideas on how to escape. Yes, that's right. I'm going to escape. Maybe it's stupid but if there is a house here there has got to be a town close by. If I go to town I can inform the police and they can send out a search party for everyone and we will all be saved. I want my life back, I deserve that after everything I endured. But what scares me is that I know when the calm comes the storm will be right after and I'll be battling with my mind forever, this isn't something I can just forget and my life will never be the same.

"Meghan?" Darren said causing me to jump as I realized he was right next to me by the window seat. "Rosa bought you these— It's a smoothie that has all the vitamins you need to regain your strength back... you threw up because your body wasn't used to the food since you haven't eaten for... how long?" Darren asked at the end.

My eyes widened.

"What day is it?!" I yelled. Darren jumped and handed me the open smoothie protein vitamin thingy that I drank up in two seconds.

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