Part 50 • Epilogue 3

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7 years later...


Michael DeAngelo's POV.

I woke up to light knocking on my door. "Fuck." I whispered sitting up in bed. I rubbed my head. I felt like I got hit by a truck.

"I'm never drinking again." I mumbled running my hand through my dark hair.

"Michael!" Katie chirped behind the door. "Can I come in?" She kindly asked.

My eyes widened and I quickly shoved the playboy magazines under my dresser and got out of bed and pulled pants on. "One second." I yelled and regretted it immediately as my head pounded from my hangover. I yanked the black shirt over my head.

"Alright come in." I answered almost breathless. Katie pushes open my door and walked in happily. "Happy birthday boy! I can't believe your already 17!" She said pulling me into a hug. I frowned but returned it. After my father died in the crash the judge told me I could go live with Katie who was my dads mistress or go into foster care. I chose Katie because she was really the only one who ever loved me and took care of me. I treated her badly ever since she was in my life. I just acted that way because I believe she was trying to replace my mom. But I'll never forget the day I heard her pleas behind that door of my old house that my father was in. I haven't told anyone this but I'm glad he died on that plane. He was a horrible man. I later found out that the "business trip" we were going on was actually us attending an 'auction'. My dad is disgusting. He was in a really shady business but he would never tell me about it if I asked. But I never told Katie. I wanted to make her happy, our lives were screwed up enough. We have been living in a small apartment in a new town for years now after we found out dad left all the money to some bitch he hooked up with years ago. I attended the high school here and made a few friends. But I'd never forget about my life before this. And I haven't told anyone either. Katie and my multiple therapists are the only ones who know.

Sometimes I feel like the plane crash could have almost been my fault. But I always shake that feeling away.

"Ok so I have to head to work soon. But..." she trails off with a smile.

"What did you do?" I say sarcastically but returning her smile in pity.

"Come on! Come! Come!" She says waving and pushing me out the door and all the way to the kitchen.

Nothing looked out of the ordinary in the small kitchen. Except a small box sitting on the table. She slid it over in my direction. The small blue box had a tiny gold ribbon on top.

"Katie I told you not to get me anything. You know we can't afford extra stuff like this." I said seriously.

"Just open it! I've been saving up for 3 years anyways." She said shrugging it off.

Shaking my head I sat down and pulled the gold ribbon. I lifted the blue lid off the box. I froze when I saw what was sitting inside. "Holy shit." I cursed.

"Michael!" Katie scolded my swear.

"You got me a phone!" I say happily. I've wanted one for so long. Especially for one reason.

I jumped up and hugged her. "Thank you." I said honestly.

She returned the hug. "Of course Michael."

She glanced at her watch. "Ok I gotta head out. I'll see you at 8 ok? And I'll bring you home a birthday pizza from Mario's." She said winking then laughing at her own joke.

"Don't get too distracted on that device alright mister. And make sure you get to work on time as well." She pointed a finger at me and left the room. I heard her yell bye before the front door slammed shut. The silence crowned the room as I stared at my phone.

I grabbed the phone and ran into my room. I wanted a phone ever since I got the number. I'd dream of the day I could call her again. We've been sending letters for 4 years now, but with this I could finally hear her voice.

I pulled the box out from my closet. I pulled out the slip of information court gave me for any contact reasons. I'm sure it all has changed so I opened Darcy's last letter she gave me. I read the number she listed at the bottom.

I typed it in frantically. When the ringing started I put the phone to my ear and waited on the floor of my room for her to pick up. "Please." I said softly.

"Hello?" My heart sank when I didn't hear the voice of a girl. But instead a man. Then it clicked. It was Lucas. I remember Darcy saying in the letter something about living with Lucas and Meghan in a new house since they got married.

"I-uh" I instantly cursed myself for messing up the words I've been practicing for so long. I was just so nervous suddenly. It's not like I liked Darcy that way, she was just such a big part of my life that she will always be my friend. Because that's what she wanted... was to be friends. I'm fine with that.

"Hello?" The voice said again.

I cleared my throat. "Lucas? Hi this is Michael." I said clearly.

"Michael... DeAngelo?" He questioned.


"No way... seriously??" He said shocked sounding shock through the line.

"Yes. I was wondering if I could talk-" I tried. But I heard a weird noise on the other end.

Then I heard some weird static and I swear I heard someone yell "give me the phone!" I smiled slightly.

Then I heard her voice, it sounded like she was breathless. "M-Michael..." she whispered out like she couldn't believe it was me.

"Hey Darcy." I said grinning.

"Happy birthday!" She said.


It was quiet for a minute then she spoke. "So do you have work again today?"

"Yeah I do. But it won't be so bad though it's only Tuesday. No ones comes into the shop midday Tuesday." I shrugged even though she couldn't see me.

"How have you been?" I asked her having a nagging feeling in me that wanted to know she was okay. I was always protective of her but recently... I guess more than usual.

"I've been good. But did you hear about the results?" She said and I frowned.

"What results?"

"They found a sample from Ana's body and took an autopsy. It came out that she had a poison in her system. They also found that poison in Rosa and Rustys body too. Specialists started claiming that they drank a poison to all commit suicide. So that way they would be dead before the police came or when we got out. They knew we would escape it just seems they were trying to stall us..." Darcy said quietly.

Darcy kept talking after that. "Meghan also told me that the plane was hijacked and I'm starting to think they were in on it. Because why would they keep us there and why would they drink poison before hand? It just doesn't make sense to me."

I didn't know how to respond. Darcy hasn't stopped talking about it for a long time and in my opinion I don't want to talk about it.

It brings back bad memories for not just me but everyone. But I don't think I will tell her that yet. Yet.

"It doesn't make sense to me either. How's high school Darcy?" I said easily changing the subject.

"It's going great for the most part. I just don't have that many friends at the moment but I'm ready to make some." She said softly towards the end.

"Hey you have me." I say hoping she'd agree too.

"Yeah, I guess you just happen to be multiple states away from me." She said genuinely sounding sad.

"Not for long." I blurted without thinking about it.

"One day Darcy. One day I'll visit you." I say.

"You will? I'd like that Michael!" She says her sad tone going away and being replaced with a happier one.

"I promise." I finished.


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