Part 27

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*WARNING this chapter contains verbal and physical abuse*

*also I felt the need to warn for this chapter because in my opinion I don't really know how bad it is. But if it's triggering to some, I put the warning.

**And please leave a comment about how you feel about this chapter! It will help me with the re-writing of it!


Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 20, morning

I felt tears well my eyes from fear. They were soon replaced with tears of anger. "You... you... you vile excuse of a human being!!" I cry out.

My long strides brought me to Edmond quickly as I ran to him, my anger boiling to the surface about to overflow. I couldn't see straight because of the tears blocking my vision and blurring up my surroundings. But I managed to find him quickly.

I lifted my hand and slapped him across the cheek. Hard. Like hard, hard.

I blinked a few times and saw his head snap to the side. Then my hand burned. I slapped him so hard my hand stung. "Fuck!" I yelled holding my burning hand and purposely turning away from him so I wouldn't hurt him more just by looking into his evil eyes of pure hate.

I stared at my feet in the dirt mixed sand. I blinked more tears away and refused all the options of crying.

I heard the footsteps arrive from behind me and instantly started shaking at the thought of Edmond being near me.

"Now you have the audacity to hit me. I've tried to be mean to you this whole time. To warn you to stay away but you left me no choice you ungrateful bitch." His chilling voice said loudly.

I turned to face him and came face to face with those chilling eyes.

I couldn't stop the words coming from my mouth. "No wonder your daughter left you," I said taking multiple steps back ready to run. It was wrong I should have never said that to anyone.

Before I could process Edmond ever hurting a girl he balled his fist and punched me on the side of my head.

I stumbled at the impact and reached my arm out and luckily held onto a tree. When the room stopped spinning I looked up to Edmond to see him glaring at me.

I brought my fingertips to my temple and pulled away to see blood. I gasped at what I saw and instantly hated him more. I looked to my right to see an open path good for me to run. I pushed myself off the tree and took a step to ready myself to sprint away. But before I could move I was grabbed again and thrown into the tree behind me. I hit my head on the back of it so hard and saw black spots for a second before they disappeared.

"Edmond s-stop p-please!" Was all I could say trying to get out of his cold clammy hands that were secured tightly around the tops of my arms. You think you know someone until their true colors are shown.

He started repeatedly hitting my head against the tree and the black dots reappeared once more. I screamed as loud as I could and I pushed on his chest trying the scratch him. I tried to grab his head but I couldn't reach very far. I was speechless and shaking in fear and shock. I hate this man. My cheeks were wet from tears I didn't even know escaped. And suddenly I was aware of everything. I heard bits and pieces of Edmond's voice as I sunk lower and lower to the ground. "Lily.....bitch... I have waited so long to hurt you..." was all I heard. There was no way this man is really Edmond. This is the Edmond I know, but I would have never suspected he would have gone this far.

I felt numerous blows on my abdomen. And then suddenly, it just stopped. I pried my eyes open to see my legs with drops of blood on them. My blood.

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