Part 44

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Lucas McMillan's POV.
Day 26, Night

The owner? What the hell is this?

He takes a key out of his pocket and jangles it in front of my face and gets real close. Too close.

"See this. You'll never leave. Expect yourself to die in here." He says bitterly.

"Why are you doing this." I ask as my frown grows deeper. "You can let us go. We'll never speak of this you have our word." I try to negotiate. But even I sound like a liar to my own ears. He lets out his bitter laugh that makes me cringe. I look at Meghan while his laughter grows and she only shrugs sadly and helplessly.

"Now why would I do that!" He cuts his laughter to yell that out. He walks up to me and grabs my collar. "Look boy. I kill hundreds, We all do. that's our job. And don't think for a second I won't hesitate to kill you and your red haired whore." He grounds out. Just hearing him call Meghan a whore drives me to the edge. But I push down the anger the best I can. "So the mafia or some shit?" I ask feigning anger.

"Not exactly. Since you won't live to see another day... guess you'll die wondering." He says pulling out a shining knife. I hear Meghan gasp as he inspects the blade and he walks closer to me. He puts the knife to my throat but comes to halt.

"No! Don't do it please! Hurt me don't hurt him!" Meghan suddenly yells out causing us to stop and look at her. The man smiles wickedly and gets even closer to me.

"Don't you dare get near her with that." I whisper as I stare him down.

"Aw why not man? I'm sure you won't mind sharing?" He says as some of his greasy brown hair fall over his eyes. I gather saliva in my mouth. He doesn't move so I do the most foolish thing known to mankind. I spit and it lands right under his eye. In hindsight this could have been like a distraction to him. So he wouldn't go over to Meghan. No way in hell will he get to touch her. I smirk when his lips turn down into a frown. His frown then turns into a snarl.

He wipes the spit away and stands up to his full height of 5'7. "How dare you!" He yells as he drops the blade and his hand draws back in a fist right before he plummets it into my jaw knocking my head to the side painfully. I hear Meghan's scream as he pounds my head in. "Stop! Stop!" Meghan yells effectively cutting him short.

"Meghan I said don't speak!" I growl out feeling the blood pour off my lip. The man side eyes me as he walks to her. "Don't go near her!!" He yell even though I shouldn't. This will make him more proud of himself. But I can't help it. I can't see Meghan in pain.

Meghan's eyes shut as he gets closer. I see her weak body shaking under his lustful stare. I think I'm going to be sick. God I want to fucking drill his face in until he drowns in his own salty blood.

He reaches up and touches Meghan's cheek. "Later babe. I'll let you watch me brutally murder this man before I get to have fun with you." He says touching her hair. Thinking fast I look to the knife that he dropped. Ok. It's not too far. I catch Meghan's eye and quickly mouth 'stall'. She blinks at me as the man starts to turn around and I swallow hard. "Wait!" Meghan's says grabbing his attention. I waste no time falling to my knees before slowly leaning down. I feel sweat roll down my forehead as I begin to reach around for the knife. With my arms tied back it's pretty hard. "Yes darling." He sickly answers her with his hand on her hip. "I-I want to ask you s-something..." she says, her voice wobbling slightly. As blood drips out of my mouth I grab onto the handle and then saw on the rope that ties my hands back the best I can. This fucker left a knife where I can reach it? And he says he's the boss. I roll my eyes and work on the rope harder and feel on come loose and I can actually wiggle my wrist. So close!  "Well... I'd like to know your name?" She says softly. The knife nicks my skin now and then but I'm getting the job done. "Darling we don't have such time for name calling now do we. I want you in my bed under me not happily having a conversation. Look your sexy and I only do one thing with sexy girls." My jaw clenches. Then a miracle happens. My hands are free. I sit up and push my back to the wall still holding the knife behind my back and the rope pretending to still be tied. I stare widely at Meghan with my heart in my throat. I nod silently telling her I'm done.

"Well, that's too bad. But I understand." Meghan says shaking her head. The bastard winks at her then moves back to me. "So-" he starts but gets cut off when I pull the knife from out behind me. I stab his thigh as hard as I could. The knife pierced through his skin making a horrible squish noise and a holler from him. "Aggghh!!!!" He yells clutching his thigh in pain. The knife went all the way into his leg and only the handle shows. He grabs my throat effectively cutting off my air flow. "Don't do this!" Meghan's yells pleading.

My arms immediately go to get his hands off but the longer he holds my neck the weaker I get as I see spots cloud my vision. No! I can't leave Meghan. I think just as I hear her voice. "Oh my god!" She says but I can barely hear her. All I can see is the mans blood hungry eyes staring at me with such anger. Such anger he doesn't realize whose behind him.

Darren's POV.

I pace back and forth in the room Ana left me in. "Fuck." I breathe out feeling guilt overtake me. I kept going back and fourth trying to decide weather I should leave and go look for them all or not. If I did I could get into so big trouble if I get caught. I chose the wrong job! I knew I should've gone to Carolina for the deal instead. God anything would be better than this. I'm no murderer! Part of the deal was that I didn't kill anyone if I came to work for Rusty. The fucking con artist he is wont let me out now. And Meghan is very nice, I just have never been the type of person to let and innocent soul just die like that. I knew what this business entailed considering my own brother and sister were in it too. but I needed the money. I never came to kill in cold blood. And if in different circumstances, I'd like to think Meghan would be my friend. And I even feel bad for Lucas. They don't deserve this. Not even the two little kids. They're just kids!

I stop my pacing when I hear voices coming from outside. "Where would they put them Michael." A tiny voice says clearly upset. I slowly walk to the door listening. "I-I just don't know what to do I wanna leave I miss everyone." I hear her sniffle and then the voice of the boy. "Hey. Calm down it's ok." He coos.

I open the door slowly and the two kids alone in the hall look at me. They jump back scared. "Hey. Calm down I won't hurt you." I say putting my hands up.

"I want to get you guys out of here." I admit finalizing the thought I've had for awhile. "I don't believe you. Prove it." The boy immediately says. Smart kid.

"I wouldn't have said that if I didn't mean it? And I've gotten mixed up in the wrong group. I really do want to help. And I want to leave too." I say softly getting down to their level.

"Darcy? Michael? Stand back." Some gruff voice barks from behind me. I jump to my feet and turn around. "Woah man!" I say holding my hands up in surrender to show the old man I'm harmless. He holding a lamp above his head ready to hit me.

"Eddie don't do it I think this is Darrel and he wants to help us." Darcy says coming to my side. "Darren..." I whisper. "But it's true I really do and I know where Meghan and Lucas are!" I say praying to god they believe the truth. If they don't I'll go on my own.

The Eddie guy slowly lowers the lamp but still cautiously eyeing me. "I can get us out of here. But we need to be really quick because I can't get caught. They are being held in the basement now." I'll show you but you all need to trust me.

I feel better when they all slowly nod. God I can finally get out now. And I'd be saving five lives as well.

"Ok. Here's the plan." I say.


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