Part 28

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Lucas McMillan's POV.
Day 20, afternoon

After finding a plantain tree we ate a few and went back to where Edmond and Meghan were waiting for us.

I hope Edmond didn't say anything mean to Meghan, or I swear I will kill him with my own two hands. I need to control my anger but right now it's the least of my problems. What if there really are people on this island? We would be saved and we could go home. I couldn't imagine going home. The thought seemed so foreign to me.

When we got closer in the direction we came a bad feeling crept through me when I didn't see them when I should have a while ago.

I stopped walking when I realized they were gone. Perhaps they were just walking nearby or gathering food. But I still couldn't help the panic that arose at losing Meghan. I tried to stay calm by sitting down and patiently waiting for them. But I only ended up worrying Darcy and Michael as well.

"What if they left us again?" Darcy said with tears in her eyes. Michael walked up to her and patted her back.

I got down to their level and put my hands on their shoulders. "Everything is going to be fine. I'm sure they will come back soon. I promise." I said reassuring them but it only got worse. I felt like I shouldn't have promised anything.

Day 20, night

After what felt like a few hours Edmond came back. Alone.

Darcy fell asleep in my arms and Michael was determined to stay awake until Meghan came back.

I instantly stood up and sized Edmond up and down feeling suspicious. "Where's Meghan?" I asked.

When Edmond came closer I could see his eyes looked more full of fire than ever before.

Edmond just shrugged with a smile he's never worn before. "Meghan said she wanted to be left alone. She claimed she didn't want to see you all anymore and wanted to be alone—"

"Bullshit. Edmond what really happened." I spat.

"Look! I'm only bringing her word back to you all. She's not coming back. I think the idea of survival got to her and she bailed on you all so—" I cut Edmond off when I saw the blood on his fists.

"Edmond what the fuck did you do to her?!" I yell advancing towards him. Edmond knows I'm stronger than him and with the thought of Meghan being hurt just gave me more adrenaline to fucking kill him.

"I swear I did nothing—" I stopped him again by pushing him backward hard so he stumbled. "I know you don't like her Edmond!" I yell.

Michael quickly came up to me and grabbed my arm when I was going to push him to the ground this time. "Lucas not now. Don't get anyone hurt." Michael begged then looked behind him and then back to me worried. "Especially not in front of Darcy."

A thousand thoughts were going through my mind. One of them being my extreme worry for Meghan. What if Edmond finally snapped from all the isolation and little to no human contact. The blood on his fists is hers. Just the thought made me angrier than ever before.

Edmonds clothes looked tattered from signs of struggle. "Did you hurt her?" I practically growled.

"How low do you think of me! I would never!" Edmond yelled getting defensive.

"Did you hit her?!" I yelled my voice booming from all around me.

"Fine I hit her but she deserved it we need to survive and she will just get in our way!!—" Edmond admitted but before he could finish my fist was going through the air.

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