Chapter 15

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~Tris POV~

School end at 3 o'clock as usual. Today, I have to walk. Again. Caleb is having his "nerd" meeting after school almost everyday by now. I'm glad that he has friends, but can't he at least drop me at home? But of course, the library is at the corner of the Erudite building, so I always take it as a no.

I enter the keys on the main door and lock it open. "Mom? I'm home!" I yell while I close the door. I drop the bag on the floor and walk towards the kitchen, as she is always suppossed to be. Once I get inside and know for sure she is not there, I find a note on the table of the kitchen.

Hey honey!

I hope you enjoyed school today. I'm sure Caleb is studing so you don't have to let me now. Today I have a long community and service meeting and i'll be back at 7. There's milk and pancakes on the fridge.

Enjoy! I love you.

Mom :)

I smile and drop the note when I realize that the word "pancakes" made me really hungry. I open the fridge and take them out. I start eating thm while checking on the big clock hanged on the wall. 3:15. 45 minutes for the torture. I still can't believe i'm doing this. He barely helped me today and I have to do all the hard work. It's not fair!

I finish the pancakes and start cleaning the kitchen. I don't want any mess to be seen when my parents arrive. The furniture over here is white, so I can carefully see the dust and cookie crumbles attached to the table. Sure from the breakfast. I finish wiping off the dirty and I wash my hands again.

When i'm done cleaning, I check my watch 3:46. I grab by bag pack and start checking the subjects and my agenda for the next tests of the term. Biology.

I grab the necesary books, an empty notepad, pencils and markers. I'm planning to make him a good summary so even a 7 year old kid can get it, which I'm sure that it's the kind of brain that Four has.

I leave a note for my parents:

Hi mom!

Thanks for the pancakes. I'm @ a...

I stop writting cause I really don't know how to call him. A friend? Mate? Classmate? Or the jerk that bothers my life but I have to help him? I roll my eyes and continue writting the simplest word so my mom doesn't think anything strange.

...friend's house. I'll be back when i'm done. Before dinner probably.

I don't know when i'll be back cause I feel like it will be hard so he'll probably kick me out when he's starving anyways.

I finish the letter.

Love you


I grab my backpack and close the front door behind me after leaving the note where she left hers. I walk the two blocks and knock on his door.

He opens the door a few moments later. "You came" he looks slightly surprised but it vanishes a few seconds later.

I shrug. "It was part of the deal, right?" Why am I helping him anyways? He barely helped me today... Ugh, abnegation side of my family...

"Come in" he says and I do so.

He leads me upstairs to his room. It's really big. So big, more or less three brothers can fit in. Ot has a bed, a huge wardrobe, the bathroom, and a big desk. My first thought about his desk is why he needs it if he is so lazy. But of course, I won't ask.

He closes the door behind him. "Want water of something?"

"I'm good." I say while I get my stuff put and place the huge book of biology in the middle of the desk.

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