Chapter 23

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A/N I'm really sorry guys! It's not that I didn't want to keep writting!I really did! The thing is: I had a major author's block in how Four is going to screw the date! But finally I had the idea! Enjoy!

~Four's POV~

Ice cream? Really? That's the date he was planing? I could've done something so much better! I mean... whatever...

Zeke, Uriah, Will and I are in my car looking at the ice cream parlor Tris and Al just got in. I was expecting something like a picnic in Millenium Park, but definately that's not what it's going to happen.

"So...what are we going to do?" Will asks.

"Well I was thinking of throwing water bombs to them but...." Zeke says.

"And you were going to get the bombs in...?"

"I always bring water bombs dude!"

"And the water?"

"I was not going to use water..." Zeke says and we all start saying words like "oh man!" and "gross".

Those things are only thought by Zeke...

"What about invading the date?" Uriah asks. We all seem to look through the window of the car at the parlor. I can clearly see Tris sitting in front of Al. Both of them are laughing right now; they are actually having a good time.

"Yea, let's do it" I say and we all get out of the car. After I lock my car, we all get inside the parlor.

And there is when the acting begings.

Zeke starts the act with a casual and loud "Hey stiff! Hey guys! Look! Tris is here!"

"Sup Tris!" Uriah continues as he and his brother start getting chairs for the four of us. "How's it going?"

Will and I just limit ourselves to say "hey". I look at Tris and clearly she looks stunned.

"Hi..." she only says.

Let the fun begin.

Once we all get the chairs, we sit down on the same table as Tris and Al.

"Uh..." Al begins and looks at Tris.

Tris looks at Al. "Oh! Sorry... Al, this is Zeke, Uriah, Will and Four" She says while pointing each of us.

Of course she saved me for the last...

While we all nod our heads in acknowledge and Al replies. "Nice to meet you all."

"Um... so what are you guys doing here?" Tris asks.

"What do you mean what we are doing?" Uriah asks. "Getting ice cream of course".

"Yea..." she says rolling her eyes. "But I mean..." She trails off and glares at me. I return the look and I hope she can tell what it means. Yes, I am here to screw your date.

"This is our favorite ice cream." I reply and turn to Uriah. "Can you get us the ice cream?"

"Uh...." Uriah wakes up from whatever daze he was having. "Yup" He stands up and goes to the cashier.

While he buys the ice creams, the conversation continues with Zeke speaking up. "So, Al! Heard you came from another school..."

"Yea the same as Tris'" He replies "St. Maddox."

"Cool. You two knew each other?" Will asks.

"I bet boyfriend-girlfriend." I joke.

"I bet boyfriend-girlfriend, Tris moved in here because of the break up and now Al is trying to get her back" Zeke continues and the three of us laugh. Tris and Al just look at each other in embarrasment.

"Just...friends." Tris mutters.

"Best friends" Al corrects her.

"Huh, nice" I say half sarcastically.

Uriah comes back with four cones of ice cream. Zeke, Will and I grab the cones before he dares to drop them accidentally.

"Did I miss something?" Uriah asks and licks his cone.

"Not really" She says glaring at me again.

Yea, as if that will shut my mouth.

<4 <4 <4 <4

Their "date" continued like that. Each topic we brought in, we made a joke of them about it. I never saw a guy as red as a tomato like I saw Al. I wished I brought a camera. An hour later our arrival, we decided that it was time to leave.

Once we get in the car and the doors close we burst out laughing.

"Oh man... We should do this again some time" Zeke says

"Definately" I grin and start the car.

~Tris POV~

Ugh! Unbelievable! I can't believe they ruined me this day with Al. I was planning to have fun with him not this....

We walk quietly towards my house and he stops at my entrance.

"Well that was...." Al breaks the silence "Fun" he chuckles

I fake a short laugh "Yea..."

"It was actually really nice to see you again. We should do that again."

I nod and smile kindly at him "Of course."

Then the most unthinkable thing happens. He leans in and kisses me. The kiss was short, but very very sweet. When he pulls back, he smiles at me. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Okay" I say and watch him leave.

A/N There you go guys! I'm really really sorry I took so long....

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xoxo Cassie!

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