Fans and Fallout

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Later that evening Brantley had a smile on his face as he opened the door for PJ. The bus was a mess of thrown clothes and what looked to be the remains of a feather pillow. PJ being the professional he was and having spent so many years with the couple didn't bat an eye at the mess.

He saw Boss Lady putting the shoes she had been wearing up and picking out a new pair for the night. The woman could change them three times a day and not wear all of them. He was just happy to see they were ready to go for the most part. Having been worried if they would be ready for the VIP session BG had before the show.

He noticed a definite gait in Boss Lady's walk and couldn't resist saying something. "You gonna be able manage those stilts tonight, Boss Lady?" He asked in a teasing tone. She tentatively sat down on the couch only flinching slightly. "Mind your business, PJ. I'm going to be buried in my heels." She said sliding on a pair.

" She said sliding on a pair

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"Let's roll." BG said putting his trademark hat on. "Looking good, BD." She said with a wink. "You're writtin' a check your ass can't cash, baby girl." He said with a smirk leaning down to kiss her. "We need to get going to make VIP, guys."

They broke apart but held hands as they  walked off the bus. Brantley opening the door of the gold cart open for her. "Thanks, baby."

It was a quick ride to the tent that was holding the VIP session

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It was a quick ride to the tent that was holding the VIP session. They waited at the back for Brantley to be introduced. They were still in Georgia so she knew the crowd was bound to be more than a bit rowdy. They loved their sons of country music. Brantley was a Georgia boy through and through.

She stood back as he made his entrance hearing the yells and whistles as they saw her husband come out. It always made her smile when she heard them, he talked about how she saved him but he had to want to be saved. The man had never done a thing he didn't want to. She figured she would stay for the first few questions then head over to see Caroline since Luke's set would be over soon.

"How the hell y'all doin?" Her ever articulate husband said causing another round of shouting. "We got a loud bunch in here tonight." He said looking at Jesse who was playing guitar for him. "We have any kids in here?" He asked as he always did so he could temper the questions allowed if there were. A round of yes' went up. "You have no idea how happy I am you're here." He joked.

"Keep that in mind when you're asking questions guys." He told the crowd. "That being said we're gonna sing a song with some cuss words in it." He said grabbing his own guitar. She laughed as he talked about the strange little stool they had set up for them. It looked tiny under her huge husband.

"I can hold it if you need help." She heard an older woman call. It was always the ones you least expect she thought shaking her head. "No my wife's got that. Thanks though." He said making them laugh. "My wife's in the house tonight. I'm not gonna point out where." He said making her smile.

It was during his song that she first felt that something was off. She shook it off as nothing more than being tired from Brantley. She saw the lighting crew turn up the lights after the song and shine them directly on BG. "You reckon those lights work, asshole. God might!" He said before remembering their were kids making her crack up.

He went over the general rules of the question portion. Though most saw them as guidelines rather than rules. He gave out a bunch of happy birthdays so that he didn't get the fifty questions of can you say happy birthday. One of the first questions was of course about Donald Trump who was running for president.

"Man, you obviously weren't listening to the song." He laughed and then gave a thoughtful answer. He told them about how he had taken her to New York for Christmas this one past like she always dreamed and it was near 80 degrees. Merry Christmas to them.

The next question about how he wrote Stone Cold Sober made her smile. "She could tell you more about that. She has a much better memory about that time than I do obviously." He joked. She wanted to stay longer but she started to feel dizzy. She pulled out her phone and sent a message to PJ.

He was beside her in seconds. "What's wrong, LJ?" He asked worried. She closed her eyes holding his arm. "I need some air. Can we get me some food? I haven't eaten since this morning." She said slightly swaying. "You want me to get BG?" He asked worried at how pale she was.

"No! I'll be fine. I just need some foot is all. Maybe some water." She said as he led her to the golf cart. "Well let's do just that then." He said putting the cart into gear and heading for the food stands. He pulled up next to the burger stand and helped her get to the counter. The staff seemed a bit shocked at first but quickly recovered.

"Could I get some fries and a water?" She asked the cashier quietly. She was starting to worry a bit about the spots in her vision. "Of course, Mrs. Gilbert." The young girl said running to grab her order. The girls in the next line over must have heard her though. Seeing PJ they realized it really was her and she tried to be polite to the girls that decided that personal space didn't matter.

"Here's your order, Mrs. Gilbert." The young girl behind the counter said. She turned to grab the food but the turn must have been too fast because the next thing she knew everything went black. Her last thought before losing consciousness was she hoped someone caught her.

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