Present Time

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The first ones to visit were his mama and brother. They had gone to a hotel to get some sleep and change. His brother threw a set of clothes at him. "Here. Take a shower please, you smell." His brother said with all the grace of a stampede.

"Love you too, bro." He said, but he had to agree. He was still in the clothes he had worn to VIP and they were starting to get ripe. Luckily, one of the perks of the suite was a private bathroom. "I'm gonna jump in the shower while mama's here." He told Lila.  He walked up to his brother and spoke quietly. "She just got shots up and down her left side. Get me if anything happens. And if you make her cry, I make you cry." He said patting his brothers shoulder.

"So, let me get a look at this." He heard his mama say as he shut the door. He made it quick since he knew Luke couldn't hold Caroline back much longer. He quickly washed off and changed. He heard the door crash open as he was putting his rings back on. He threw his hat on and hurried to intercept the crew.

Luckily, his brother took his warning seriously and gave Luke enough time to grab Caroline. "Sorry, she got loose getting out of the elevator." He said wrapping a steel arm around his wife. "My female soulmate is hurt!" She said trying to climb out of Luke's hands. "I'm ok, Caro!" Lila called, her voice seemed to make Caroline deflate in relief. "Ok, I'm calm. Let me go." Luke looked to BG for permission. He nodded. Luke slowly let his wife go.

She slowly walked to the bed and climbed on. "Show me your ouchies." She demanded of Lila. They watched as Lila went over her new equipment and enjoyed the cooing that Caroline was giving her. Brantley just smiled and shook his head. "You still can't have her, Caroline." BG said as he went to sit next to his mama.

Caroline scoffed "You're just lucky she's into men." She told him, making his wife burst out laughing. "Sorry mama Becky." Caroline said. His mama waved it off. "You two would have made a beautiful couple." She said winking at the ladies. "Mama!" Brantley looked to his mom shocked. "Well it's true, son. She'd still be my daughter. But I will say I'm glad you picked a project like my son."

Luke and Kolby were almost on the floor laughing at his mama's words. No one can cut you down to size like your mom he thought shaking his head. "Thanks, mama...I think." "Oh, loosen up, son. She picked you."

"Oh! Luke hand me my bag." Caroline sat up suddenly. "Brantley sent me updates about what was going on and I researched it." She said taking her bag from Luke. "I asked around and I found a place that customizes medical stuff!!" She said excited. She pulled a gift bag from her large purse. When she opened it tears sprung to Lila's eyes. "Oh my goodness, thank you, Caro." She said showing the rest.

"It wasn't me!" Kolby yelled

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"It wasn't me!" Kolby yelled. BG gave him an amused look and got up to see the gifts closer. "Only you, Caroline Bryan could find a way to make diabetes stylish." He praised the woman that made his wife so happy.

He picked up one of the garters and raised an eyebrow. "Good choice." He said winking at his wife.  The door opened again and the band walked in. "You still alive, boss lady?" Ben asked coming in. BG was quick to cuff his ear making her laugh. "Ow! Damn, B! That hurt." He said whining. "You're lucky you were too far for mama to do it." He said pointing at the man with a Mohawk. "We don't joke about that." He said shaking his ringed hand.

"Oh, Ben. Is dad being mean to you? Want me to kiss it better?" Lila Jane antagonized. "Take a step and die." Brantley said deadly serious to his drummer. "You quit babying him. You're the one that's sick. He needs to learn manners." He said to his wife. "Luke, can you get your wife off of mine please?" He asked wanting to sit next to her.

"Nah man, she bites." Luke said rubbing a scar on his arm. "Oh it was once! You only needed a few stitches, quit milking it." Caroline told her husband. "But here Brantley, we can share her." She said getting up and sitting on Luke's lap.

There was a knock on the door. They knew it was safe since PJ let them through, but didn't know anyone who would knock. "Come in!" Lila Jane called wondering what was next. A large cart overflowing with flowers was rolled in. Her nurse she could barely see pushing it. "What in the world?" Brantley wondered. Her nurse came around. "They've been coming since yesterday, Mrs. Gilbert. We couldn't let them in ICU so I made sure to bring them now. We keep getting more every hour. Your friends must be buying out most the shops in Georgia."

"But how did they.." they all looked to Caroline. "What? So I made a few calls on the country music grapevine. I call any tulips you get." She said shamelessly. Lila Jane laughed until tears came. Her family was plain crazy. As the day went on the rest of the tour stopped by at some point. Either bringing balloons and well wishes or just stopping to show support.

She couldn't believe how fast her girls worked. Each member of the OWC brought her a new accessory. Brittney must have been up all night customizing the stunning tops with hidden pockets for her pump. As she looked around her hospital room that was near to full she didn't feel scared anymore.

They had an army to help them fight.

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