the big jump

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Word Count - 1409

The light streaming from the window didn't wake me up, so i had a sleep in.

The day is Sunday, 11am.

I don't normally sleep in this late, but with no school work or any plans really, i thought why not. My mum would most likely be at work by now, because she leaves at 8am, and thank god she didn't wake me up to say goodbye.

Knock. Knock.

I heard the noise, but chose to ignore it because it most likely was my weird neighbour across from me who is a little deranged in the mind.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

This time the sounds were louder, so i turned my head to my window to see what was going on.

I looked outside to see Leo, Pedro, Mickey and Neutron outside my window. They all had evil grins on their face except Leo, and i forgot for a second i was only in my underwear. I did have a thin sheet covering my bare body, but that didn't stop them from laughing.

" Look away you pricks, let Tilly get changed"

Leo was sort of the leader of our group, so they all looked away accordingly.

I ran from my spot in my bed, grabbing the nearest outfit i could find possible, and put it on.

I lifted the window up , and they all turned their heads back towards me.

" What the fuck do you want!"
" Remember we said we would go to the water hole, and jump off like the good old days" leo responded
" Oh right, i don't have swimmers though"
" Oh it's fine just going in your underwear there's no harm in that" replied pedro with a grin.

I rolled my eyes, and jumped through the window.

" I'm ready, let's go"


We all walked together towards the water hole, Leo and i walked beside each other the entire time, closely following Pedro, Mickey and Neutron.

It wasn't until i saw the length of the drop that i fell quiet, and regretted coming along.

" That's it, i'm not going"
" Don't be a scaredy-cat Tilly" replied Mickey.
" I'm not scared, it's just i'm not feeling well"
" We don't believe that bullshit" pedro shouted.

I guess i was jumping, i looked towards Leo, who looked almost worried for me, and that didn't help the butterflies.

They began to change from out of their clothes, to their underwear, but it was basically as if they were just wearing shorts. I was different because i was wearing my black Calvin's. I waited a while before they were all unclothed, and looking over their cliff, planning their dive.

" Well hurry up Tilly"

I breathed in one huge gasp of air, before i took off my clothes. I knew they were looking but i chose to ignore the whispers and giggles. I do have a slim figure, but i have larger boobs than most girls, which i don't like about myself.

I walked over beside Leo, who didn't utter a word, and he looked at me before focusing on his jump ahead of him.

" 1, 2 , 3 - " leo screamed.

I jumped off and fell into the freezing water before me. I didn't touch the bottom due to only being 5.4ft, and returned to the waters surface momentarily.

When i reaches the surface i realised none of them jumped after me.


they all began laughing and i got even more pissed off.

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