we shouldn't talk anymore

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Word Count - 1622

" Don't you call him baby, we're not talking lately. Don't you call him what you used to call me "

Good morning ladies and gents, and welcome to London,
The local time is 7.22am, and the outside temperature is 7 degrees.
Thank you for flying with New York airlines,
We hope you had a pleasant trip, and we hope to see you next time when you fly.

Ive touched down in London. An eight hour trip of hell, due to my lack of sleep and crying sessions. Ive thought of this moment so long it feels foreign, and now the moment i dread is having to see my father to get the keys to my apartment. He told me he'd meet me outside my gate, and the sudden rush of butterflies was not a good start to this already long day.

I swiftly gathered my belongings, and waited in line to leave the plane. i need a shower, a few more hours of sleep and a big lunch. Something about having my own place is so exciting, yet terrifying, because i've always lived with my mum. But new beginnings, come new challenges, and i'm sure ill be able to cope just fine.

Leaving the airplane i felt like a new me, and quickly placed my headphones in to drown out the loud sounds coming from outside. As i entered the airport again, i stood by my gate and looked around for my father. Then my heart dropped out of my chest at what i saw in front of me.

There my dad stood, holding a white sign with my name, and in his left hand he held flowers and balloons. I wanted to hide and run away, and pretend we didn't just make eye contact. He had the biggest grin on his face, and thats when i realised he wasn't alone. I'm guessing its his wife, and their daughter. I then when pink realising this young girl is my half sister, but i pushed down the nervous feeling in my stomach.

he ran up to me, and gave me a big hug, and i barely put my arms around him.

was all i could say when i saw him.
'Tilly, its so good to see you!"
'You too" i gave the fakest smile i could.

"Pardon me, this is Jess my wife"
We shook hands and she gave me the most scary smile.

"And this is our daughter, georgie"
i gave her a small smile in return.
"Dad you didnt tell me she was pretty, thats not fair"
I gave off an awkward laugh and looked up at my dad.

"Dont be silly georgie your beautiful too"
"Yeah whatever"

Wow she's seven years old and has an attitude, i think i like her.

"How was your flight"
"Yeah i bet, maybe we should get you settled then"
Awkward small talk, i hated this and i now just want to be alone.

My dad took hold of my bags and we slowly walked out of the airport. London was cold, but nothing im not use to. The air smelt and felt cleaner, and everyone was well dressed, which was very foreign to me. But somehow, i already liked london.

We packed our bags in the back of the car and my dad informed me that it would take 35 minutes to get to my apartment. He started off with light conversation and i began to get sick of it. of this pretending. as if we know eachother when in fact i haven't seen him in so many years.

" if you don't mind, im quite tired, i might just put my headphones in"
" that's okay honey, do what you gotta do"
whitest response ever and also his use of the word 'honey' didn't make me happy, but i just decided to not comment on it.

35 minutes later i had fallen assleep. Georgie taps me on the shoulder and gives off a weird, awkward smile. I then realise i'm outside my new apartment.

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