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Seungcheol stared at the white tomb stone as he held onto the hand of his youngest son. The deathly silence hovered around them as quiet sobs coming from his five sons surrounded him. 

"Say the last goodbye to your father" He whispered in tears then little bits of sorries filled his ears. He turned to go back to his car but his children where no where to be seen. They had completely vanished and suddenly, he found himself in a deep dark hole struggling to get out. He saw his face, his husband standing looking at him with pain in his eyes.

"Jihoon, get me out!" He pleaded but that dark haired small man shook his head wearing a sad smile.

"I'm sorry Cheollie, I can't do that" 

He vanished. 

"Jihoon! Jihoon!" He yelled. There was no reply until he saw a head poking into the hole. 

"You are mine Choi Seungcheol. You are never getting out of that hole" The stranger whose face he couldn't see whispered in a shrill voice. 

"Who are you? Get me out of here!" He cried but the stranger began to laugh, crossing his arms as he watched him trying desperately to leave.

Seungcheol woke up sweating heavily. He looked at the clock on top of the wall. It was just three a.m. Now he wouldn't be able to sleep. He groaned and got out of bed. As he stepped out, he saw his youngest walk past him slowly. 

"Chan!" He shouted after him. 

The boy didn't reply and continued walking. Seungcheol sighed. Chan was sleep walking again. He walked towards the boy and carried him gently as he whispered soothing words into his ears. He got into the room where two of his other sons slept. Chan's bed was near the window and he dropped him there covering him up with a blanket.

"Don't go, second Daddy!" The child whispered, clutching the blanket with his eyes still closed. Seungcheol knew he was dreaming of his other Dad. He gave the boy a quick kiss on the head and left. He couldn't stand to see him like this. Those kids brought so many memories with them. He went to his living room and walked to his wine cabinet. Pulling out one of his wine, he took a quick sip hoping it would make him sleep but nothing. Then he played some nice classical music and it helped. He slowly drifted off to sleep.

An heavy shake in his arms woke him up from sleep.

"Appa, irona!" He could hear Chan and Seungkwan's voices. 

He ignored them and continued to sleep.

"Appa, it's nine O clock" A voice he recognized as Minghao's yelled and he bolted. 

"What?" He shouted and checked the clock on the wall. Indeed, it was ten minutes to nine. He got up quickly.

"Aish, I'm late!" He shouted.

"Appa, I'm hungry" Chan cried. Soon, the room was filled with cries.He scratched his head. 

"Wait here " He said and walked off to the kitchen. He opened the fridge. There was nothing. He had even forgotten to buy groceries. He was confused. 

"Appa...." The eldest Seokmin whispered.

"Do you have school today?" He asked. The boy shook his head.

"Ani, we are still on holiday" He answered. His father sighed in relief. 

"That's good" He contemplated calling for pizza but it might take sometime to get there considering that they lived at the outskirts of town.

His cellphone began to ring continuously. He had a meeting in the next one hour. He desperately needed a maid.

"Seokmin, I'm counting on you. Make sure that you and your brothers are all clean before I come out from the bathroom. We are going out to eat"

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