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Yoon Jeonghan didn't see the family again after that day and slowly, he began to forget about them as he focused on his job in the eatery. One hot afternoon, he stood cleaning the counter when he saw someone raising up an arm for his attention. It was an elderly woman not more than fifty years of age. He put up his angelic smile and went over to the woman. 

He bowed as soon as he reached her. "Welcome, what may I get you?" He said politely.

"I would like jajangyum and chicken feet"

"Right away"  Jeonghan left and returned soon with her order. As he laid it on the table, he felt her studying him. 

"You're new here aren't you?" She asked. For some reason, something about this woman felt familiar.

He nodded. "I started working here last week" He answered.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" 

This felt strange but Jeonghan couldn't help but blush. "I hear that a lot"

The woman laughed "You should" She focused on her food now. "Thank you"

"You're welcome eommoni" Jeonghan said and left. He attended to other customers however, he couldn't help but feel that the woman was watching his every move. Sometimes, he would catch her studying him. He would give her a little smile and pretend to ignore her. She stayed longer than normal and it seemed the other workers noticed. 

"What's her deal? It seems that she's into you. Does she want you to be her sugar boy?" Jun chuckled.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes "Shut up Jun. I don't think that's it." 

Wonwoo who was beside them cleaning smirked. "Besides, anyone who sees Jeonghan would know he doesn't swing that way"

Jeonghan glared at him "What do you mean?"

Wonwoo reddened. "Just joking but I think you've made it very obvious what side you're on  " 

Jeonghan sighed softly and shook his head. Wonwoo was right. Just one look at him and one would tell his sexual preference which made this woman's behavior odd. What was she up to? 

She raised her hand and he rushed to her planting his typical angelic smile on his face.

"Yes ma'am, what can I do for you?"

She nodded. "Please pack me two boxes of pizza will you?"

"Of course ma'am" Jeonghan said softly and left. He returned with a bag full of pizza. 

The woman took it from him. "Thank you so much. How much am I paying you for the meal and the pizza"

"That will be two thousand won" Jeonghan said. The woman counted the money from her bag and even added a tip. He bowed, full of smiles "Thank you very much ma'am"

He turned to go when the woman stopped him with her voice.

"Can I speak with you for a little while?"

Jeonghan turned to face her looking confused. 

"Can you sit with me for just a little bit?" The woman said.

"But I'm still working."

"Just a little bit"

"Okay, just a while. I don't want my boss to see me"

The woman laughed "Don't worry, I will explain that I forced you to sit with me and you couldn't refuse a customer"

Jeonghan was still hesitant but he sat down facing the woman. She cleared her throat, her eyes shining with something he couldn't describe.

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