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Seungcheol awoke to a sweet smelling aroma permeating the air. He stood up rubbing his eyes sleepily until he was fully awake. Then he quickly washed up and came downstairs. The aroma was stronger. The children's voices were louder as he entered the living room. Minghao and Seokmin sat watching TV while the other three were nowhere to be seen but he could suddenly hear their voices from the kitchen. He stood at the door way to the kitchen and was transfixed.

Jeonghan was holding Chan on one of his hips as Seungkwan and Vernon watched him cook

"Yah, I want one" Vernon complained.

"But you've already had one" Jeonghan said with a light smile.

"Please! Please please"

Jeonghan grinned "Only on one condition!"


"That you will take out the trash"

Vernon seemed to think for a moment before he nodded.

"Alright!" He shouted and turned but paused when he saw his father.

"Appa!" He said. Jeonghan looked at him and he felt uncomfortable but the children didn't seem to notice the awkwardness between the adults as they greeted their father and he answered warmly

"You're up, would you like some breakfast?" Jeonghan said.

"No, I'll only take some coffee" Seungcheol whispered. Jeonghan just smiled and continued what he was doing while Vernon raced out of the house. Seungcheol was tempted to ask Jeonghan what he was cooking that smelled so damn delicious but he held himself back and relaxed in the living room. Today was one of those rare days when he could just stay at home and not do anything.

He secretly felt grateful that Jeonghan was around. It made the work load less difficult. Now he could relax without the children worrying him. He suddenly heard soft laughter coming from the kitchen and turned to look at them. Jeonghan was different from the rest. The other nannies had only been interested in him. They didn't care about his kids the way Jeonghan did. He was soft with them yet harsh at the same time. He seemed to genuinely like his children and it made him feel weird. He shook his head, pulling his eyes away from him. He shouldn't be having such thoughts. Jeonghan was just his children's nanny and housekeeper and when the time comes, he would be long gone just like all the others before him.

In the midst of his thoughts, he got a phone call and sighed when he saw the caller ID. It was Mingyu. He took a long deep breath before answering.

"What?" He barked.

"The way you talk...."

"What is it Mingyu?"

"Have you forgotten our date today? I'm coming over"


"To your place of course"

"You're not invited"

"I'm coming whether you like it or not. I'm going to see that new nanny of yours"

"Yah Mingyu..."

The line went off and Seungcheol sighed. He looked up and saw Jeonghan looking at him.

"What happened?"

"Nothing...." He gulped. "Well, we are having a visitor"

Jeonghan face beamed with smiles. "Really? Is he a friend of yours? I never thought you had friends. You seem so cold and unapproachable"

Seungcheol gave him a hard stare before clearing his throat. "Well I have a lot of friends"

Jeonghan crossed his arms "I don't think you are telling the truth. Anytime I see you with your cold scary look, I always feel like you chase all your friends away"

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