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Seungcheol didn't return home that night leaving Jeonghan in a tight position so he had to call his boss at the restaurant and beg him for another leave. Thankfully, he agreed.

He and Seungcheol needed to talk but until then, he was going to work. He went back to the house and cleaned up the dishes. The living room was quite messy so he fixed it up and headed upstairs. There were four bedrooms. Two at the far left, one at the center, and another one at the far right. Jeonghan already knew who slept at the one on the far right. The first room he entered belonged to the two oldest kids. It was messy with clothes littered at every corner. Their books and shoes were scattered as well. Jeonghan didn't know how long it took him to fix their room but by the time he was through, he was damned tired. He swept away the huge piles of garbage he had gathered from the room and went to the next one. 

It was less messy but still quite an eyesore. He wondered how the kids managed to breathe in here. It was damned stuffy. There was a double-decker against the wall and a single bed close to the window. He cleaned up the room and it took him a  long time to finish. As he cleaned, he saw a tiny photo poking out from a textbook. Jeonghan pulled it out and looked at it. It was a picture of Seungcheol and a small Vernon with a strange small man with a cute smile. They seemed to be in front of an old building and Vernon looked as young as Chan was now in the picture. What caught Jeonghan's eyes was the look of happiness on Seungcheol's face as he placed one hand on Vernon's shoulder and the other on the shoulder of the small man. Jeonghan found his finger tracing the old photo.

"This must be Jihoon" He whispered and sighed pitifully.

"Seokmin was right, Seungcheol does have a wonderful smile"

Jeonghan's eyes lingered on Seungcheol's image for far too long so he shook his head and kept back the picture. After a while, the room was cleaned to his satisfaction. It was time to take away the trash. He packed them up in the waste bag and left the house. He was quite confused as he looked for the public dustbin. He finally saw it and heaved a huge sigh of relief thankful that it wasn't that far from the house. There was a young woman there already throwing away her trash. She bowed when she saw him. Jeonghan bowed back and proceeded to throw away his trash. 

She stopped and looked at him pointedly. She was really pretty with thick and long black her and her bangs fitting perfectly to the frame of her face. 

"Hi, are you new here?"

Jeonghan shook his head "Ani, I'm the new housekeeper for the family living at the second house down the street"

The woman gasped. "The Chois? I live opposite them" She said.

Jeonghan forced a smile. He truly wasn't in the mood to socialize but the woman seemed to like him so he went along with her. 

"How wonderful, I didn't know he would finally get a housekeeper...He fired the last one six months ago and he was really nice"

Jeonghan's chest beat faster and the woman seemed to notice the color fade from his face. 

She laughed. "Don't worry so much. I'm sure you'll be fine" She brought out her hand.

"My name is Lee so hye" 

Jeonghan shook her hand "Yoon Jeonghan"

He felt something on her finger and looked at it. It was a small diamond ring that glittered prettily.  

"You're engaged" He whispered. Her smile grew as wide as her face 

"Yes, I'll be getting married in two months"

"Congratulations!" he said and grew quiet. He didn't want to seem rude and ask about the sex of her partner but as if to read his mind, she spoke loudly. 

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