Chapter 1-New School

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Hey guys, this is my first story so please go easy on me and may I suggest you add this to your library so as to not miss any important updates.

April's pov

"Oh my gosh,I'm so excited mom , I can't wait to see how my new school's like". I squealed with excitement.

"Yes I know honey, you've been going on and on about this school for three days now". My beautiful mother Riley Anderson smiled while rolling her eyes at my childish behaviour.

My mom who was also a brunette and is so pretty.

She married my dad when she was 19.

Her family was in a rush to get her married so they would be less kids to spend money on.

I understand why her parents did what they did. Having 12 kids will really take a toll on your finances.

But why did my grandparents decided to have so many kids, I don't know?

Maybe it had to do with the fact that they were Italian immigrants. So they believed a family has to be big.

Moms marriage was arranged but at least my parents learned to love each other and together they produced us kids.

Myself(April), my elder sister Luna and my younger brother Jake who is only 8yrs old.

"I know its like a fresh new start for me you know, new School, new friends and maybe a new crush". I said and winked at my mom, She just smiled as she rolled her eyes then turned to wave goodbye to my older sister.

She was going to apply to go to any college that would accept her cause she didn't really have one in mind so she decided to apply to 5 different colleges.

Crazy right?

Her plan was to apply to a few colleges and which ever one accepted her she would go for it but if she gets accepted into more than one she would pick the best and ditch the rest.

Her idea was instead of applying to just one college, but according to Luna, Instead of waiting forever for a reply and only to get rejected, she decided to play it safe and apply to more than one school; five to be exact. I found it kinda silly but what can I do.

I ran to my room to take a look at my appearance to see if looked alright.

I had hair that was long enough to just reach above my butt, I had light doe eyes that I personally found attractive about myself, pink pouty lips and a small nose.

I was beautiful or at least I thought I was. But what others thought were none of my business, but as long as i found my self attractive then all those who thought other wise might as well go to hell.

I wore a normal white T-shirt that had a Miley Cyrus(Hannah Montana) picture on it with a short blue jean jacket that reached somewhere under my B-cup breast with blue skinny jeans which was simple but appropriate for the First day in a new school .

I applied my concealer making sure not to stain my clothes .

After putting on a fresh new coat of my strawberry lip gloss, I grabbed my roll on, and applied it under my arm then took my perfume and then started spraying it around my body like a crazy person.

I opened my closet to reveal My most prized possessions, My 32 pairs of Converses, Neatly arranged on the shelves in all its glory.

I had fallen in love with the shoes when I was 5. Dad had given me my first pair for my fifth birthday.

Ever since then I only demanded for converses. They were basically the only thing I wore not silly sandals or flats of
or dumb heals which only
pinched your toes uncomfortably.

I grabbed one of my favourite Nike converse and slipped them on.

Taking one last look at my appearance,i smiled satisfied with how I looked, I grabbed my bag and descended down stairs.

I took my lunch off the counter, stuffed it in my bag and decided to just take a few cookies from the kitchen table since I had not eaten my breakfast and I was already running late.

I also had a little milk to 2asy the cookies down and while rushing out I said goodbye to my dad who was reading a newspaper while having his breakfast.

"Bye April". Jake said while waving me goodbye.

"Later Squirt" I replied as I dashed out of the living room door.

I rushed to my car, threw my bag in the back seat and rushed to the drivers seat.

As I was driving, I was getting more and more anxious the closer I got to my new school.

10 Minutes Later

I had decided to arrive when the second period had almost started hence I did not have any class during the first period but who would really care any ways?

However there was a couple of students who decided to arrive during the second period as well.

I pulled up into the parking lot of the school , took my bag out and walked to the door of the school which was quite bigger than my original school, feeling a bit more excited and a little bit nervous.

Well here goes nothing I thought as I walked in ...

Well what do you think?
Pls go easy on me.
Any spelling errors pls notify me in the comments and I'll fix it.
And sorry if this chapter was a bit short.
Pictures of characters will be added soon unless you would all want to imagine them yourselves.
I'll be updating and sorry if this chapter's not so long, I'll try to fix that.

Also check out my new books here on wattpad:

Maid for Each other(First chapter already up, check it out)
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