Chapter 9: Ambushed

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As my car got cleaned, I dropped by the grocery store to pick up stuff from the list and using my ATM card to pay.

I'm so glad Jackson didn't fund the card, otherwise I would have to explain to my parents how I lost it.

When I got home I dumped the re-usable bag on the table and bolted to my room.

A few moments later I heard a knock on my door.

I rushed to open the door to whoever was at the door.

Mom came inside holding a trays of cookies.

"Hey honey, your home late". My mom just stated sweetly.

"Oh yeah, its just the math teacher decided to stay a bit longer to further explain the topic to those of us who didn't quite understand the topic too Well and I also had to stop by the store ". I lied. It wasn't a full lie though.

I didn't want mom to find out that I'm being bullied at school.

"Oh, okay well I hope you understood the topic well, sweety?". My mom asked clearly believing that lie.

”Oh very much mom". I replied.

"So April, I had these made for you by the time you got back from school.

"Yay! Chocolate chip and milk cookies my favorite". I squealed in delight as I grabbed a handful of cookies from the tray and shoved one Into my mouth.

As I was savouring the taste of the chocolate and cookie in my mouth, I heard My dad's car pull up in the drive way.

My mom quickly placed the tray on the counter and dashed to the door greet my father.

She does that every day my father comes home from work. But it was like this was the first time she sees him in months.

But they are still in love after 19 years of marriage.

I ran down to great my dad.
I saw them locked in a passionate kiss.

"Jeez get a room you two, I don't wanna throw up right here in the living room, do you"?. I whined but they seemed not to hear me

"Hii daddykins" I yelled loud enough for my parents to break apart from the passionate kiss they were locked in.

"Hey baby". My dad said as he walked over to me to give me a bear hug.

I Hugged him back then looked over at my mom who had a slight blush on her face, a bit embarrassed because I caught them.

"OK daddy, I'm going upstairs to take a shower So you two can just carry on with whatever you were doing". I smirked as I walked away when I noticed my mom blushed harder.

I made my way back upstairs, ran into the bathroom to take a long and refreshing shower.

After the shower, I decided to wear something light in order to be more comfortable.

I slid into my bed and within 5 minutes I was already asleep.

4 hours later

I woke up to see that it was already dusk.

I decided to go out for my evening run.

I slipped my bra on which was discarded on the floor.

I then put on a simple grey polo top and my brown shorts.
And decided to put on my cherry lip gloss and applied minimal powder to my face. Then tied my hair into a pony tail.
Deciding looked okay, I locked my room door and headed out.

As I got outside of our home, I breathed in the nice July air and started to jog down the street.

I had decided I would run like a block before turning back home and possibly if I were to be too tired I would just hail a cab to take me home.

Sure it would be like a waste of money if I got tired or lazy I wouldn't even mind spending money on irrelevant things that shouldn't cause a fuss.

I ran about two Blocks, deciding I was tired, I turned around and started to walk home cause there were no taxis passing through here.

I started to speed up my walking steps Because it was getting dark and this part of the street is awfully creepy when dark and Mostly because I had this odd feeling that someone was watching me.

As I sped up my walking steps trying not to look back.

Suddenly I felt someone cover my mouth with his or her hand to prevent me from screaming.

The stranger started to drag me behind an convenient store.

The stranger roughly pushed me up against the wall.
"If you say a word then I would beat you up right now." The stranger said menacingly.

Wait minute! I know that voice.
Could it be…Jackson.

"You figured it out yet April?" He asked, as of reading my mind.

"Y..., WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?". I choked out or more like yelled.

"I said shut up b*t*h". He warned me as he pushed me against the wall harder.

"Jackson look, about what happened earlier today, I..."

"Oh so you know what did wrong, huh April?" He taunted me with an evil smirk.
I didn't even bother to reply to him.

A few moments passed with him just standing there staring at me and with me glaring at him.

It was a battle and I wanted to win it.

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