Chapter 11- Karma

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I just had a bit of writers block, you know, how that's like right?

But I'm back but keep it in mind this chapter is a bit short so without further ado I give u...

Oh my god!

No no no no no no.
Why would it be today of all days that Jackson and his family just so happen to go for a picnic in this particular park?
I mean seriously there are like many other parks he and his family could go to.

Its like every where I go that loser follows me.

If I wasn't a real girl and not some made up character in some cheesy wattpad romance book I would say this Is were the writer wrote up some elaborate scenes where me and the boy will constantly run into each other for reason.
That would be too typical.

Why, why, why, why?

It was like karma was playing a cruel joke on me.

I must have looked pretty weird just staring at him with widened eyes.
But unfortunately his eyes caught mine and just couldn't tear it away

I heard Luna yell, shifting my attention to her. "Get back here you little monster!"

I noticed Jake grabbing Luna's phone off of her hand probably because she was texting her boyfriend to focus on the blankets. She chased after him while yelling threats at Jake.
Jake just laughed enjoying the chase.

A few of the families that were here looked up from their meals or conversations to see what the whole commotion was about, but the others just minded their own business.

I prayed inwardly that Jacksons family won't look in this direction.

So just to be safe I turned to face my family thereby backing Jackson and his family.

"Are you okay sweety? You've been staring at that family for quite sometime now". Mom asked quizzically .

"Or did you recognize a friend from school".mom asked once again looking around to spot who I was staring at

"Oh not at all, I was just curious that's all, you know with all the bodyguards and all". I replied quickly but sure mom didn't completely buy my excuse judging by the questioning look she gave me.

"Oh OK honey". Mom said simply.

I let out a silent breath of relief.
Thank goodness she bought it.
I felt a little tinge of pride as my lies were getting better each day but I'm not saying I'm proud of it

But Ohh god, why the heck did Jackson and his family have to be here. Sigh.


"So what"? I asked confused turning towards Luna.

"You know that boy from school or something or you just can't take your eyes off of him". Luna asked teasingly.

"OK yes we go to the same school and we sometimes have the same classes together but I just happen to be looking in his direction, OK Luna, I wasn't staring at him"? I said raising my voice a bit.

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