Chapter 8: hit him where it hurts

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I got to the girls locker room trying to register what had happened earlier but quickly shook that thought off as I quickly made for the showers.

After I took an extremely long shower which made me miss English class, it didn't really bother me because as long as I got that horrible raw egg smell off of me then don't give a s*it about English.

After I was done bathing I put on my bra and panties then threw on the clothes Jackson had given me.

It was nothing special just a grey hoodie and a black pantyhose.

Its a good thing I wore my White converse that made the outfit look nice.

The hoodie was actually fitted on me. I picked up my shoes and grabbed some paper towels to clean them after I was done I immediately slipped them on.

I took a few make supplies which I always kept in my bag.
Like my Mascara, Cherry Lip gloss, powder and my perfume.

Though I wished I had my foundation or concealer with me, but I guess these will do nicely For now.

After applying my makeup, I checked how I looked one last time before grabbing my bag and started heading for the bathroom door.

As I walked down the hallway I received both amused and apologetic stares from some students while some just minded their own business.

I reached my Math class and I was I bit scared because I wouldn't be able to handle seeing Jackson and his posy.

"April are you okay?" Avery came rushing at me looking worried.

"Yeah, I'm alright". I replied like I was cool with what had happened. Which I wasn't.

"Its just, I feel bad not doing anything you know". Avery replied with guilt in her eyes even though none of it was any of her fault.

"Avery its cool, none of this is your fault okay so please don't worry yourself ". I said trying to sooth her.

She smiled genuinely. "Okay then come on or we'll be late for Math". I just smiled and let her lead the way.

Math class has got to be the most boring period of all periods and though science is my main course I wished that math wasn't so essential.

After math class I met up with Avery and we went to the library hence we weren't having classes.
And as a bonus no Jackson. Yay.
Which was a little odd. But I just shrugged it off and was like who the the hell cares.

Then after another hellish day School was finally over, I caught up with Avery to remind her of Jackson's threat and how we cant always hang out anymore at school because I just didn't want her to get on Jackson's bad side.

I made for the parking lot to get to my car then I got out the grocery list from my mom asking me to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things on my way back with the list attached to the bottom of the text. She even transferred money to my bank account.

I went through the list and was about to put the list back in my bag back when I felt a pull at my hair and I wouldn't take a genius to realise who it was.

Jackson dragged my hair, pulling me along to wherever the psychopath had in mind.

"I have a surprise for you". He slightly whispered. Oh no!
What did this buffoon do this time?

He roughly used my hair to push me against something. I looked down and saw tyres with some drops of colourful paint on the floor , and judging from the smell.

I stood up and turned around to see my car covered in paint.
And I immediately recognized it because of the hood of the car which I had imprinted my initials on.

I don't know what force prevented me from crying but i was grateful.

The beautiful Royal blue colour that I had just repainted was all just a waste of money.

There were different paint colours just dumped on the car, i would have been a little bit compensated if someone with good art skills would have painted over my car.

And to make matters even worse, eggs were dumped on my car, reminding me of what happened at lunch.

I was so angry right now but what could I do, almost the whole school is against me. And I wanted to get my revenge on Jackson in the place it hurt the most.

I turned back to Jackson to see an evil smirk pasted on his stupid handsome face.

I came closer to Jackson not saying a word, I quickly put both my hand on his shoulder, raised my knee and kneaded him hard in his area.

He fell to his knees holding his legs in pain and started cursing at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you crazy b*t*h?" He yelled angrily.

"How's that for a surprise you cocky bastard". I fired at him.

I hurriedly ran to my car before he would have the chance to recover and chase after me.

As I was driving out of the parking lot I saw the shocked expression that was plastered on some of the students faces while some were stifling a laugh.

And one of Jackson's friends was laughing and pointing at him.
(Scoff) Some friend he is.

I drove out of there as quickly as I could, I was relieved that there would be no school tomorrow hence tomorrow was a Saturday but a slight fear crawled into my mind and I realised that I would still have to see him again on Monday.

But for now I would just enjoy my weekend and try not to think about him.

I had decided to stop at a Susie's car shop to see if she could do something about the car.

Susie and her husband were both our family friends. She and especially my mom were really close because they went to the same high school together and were even friends from there.

I got to Susie shop were she, her husband and a few of their employees ran a carwash, fixed and specialised in repainting cars.

"Hey aunt Susie". I greeted her cheerfully when I spotted her seating on a chair outside their shop reading magazine.

"Oh April dear, what brings you here, weren't you just here last week or are you here just for a quick hello"? Aunt Susie asked almost suspiciously.

"And who's car is that and why is it that way?" She added once she noticed my car in all its 'glory'.

"Yeah, the thing see...(sigh)
I'm being bullied at school. I said knowing that there is no lie I can come up with that she won't find out.

"I'm so sorry honey, do your parents know about this"? She asked.

"No and I prefer we keep it that way, I don't want them to get worried". I replied blandly

"So is there anything you can do about the car". I say quickly changing the subject.

She took the time to study the car before speaking up.

"I'll tell you what, I'll repaint your car for free because of how close we are and mostly because your your mom will have your head on a silver platter and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you" she said jokingly with a smile on her face.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you , I love you Susie".

"Its okay honey,when its ready I'll call you back".

I thank her one more time ,
Then head home, I just can't wait to take a long, hot shower.

Any thoughts?
I'll be happy to hear from you all.
And I'm incredibly grateful to the few who voted.
Love you all.

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