Chapter 14: Scarred for life

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Sorry for the long wait. I was working on my Other Books(When Two worlds collide) and chapter one is already up so you can go check it out and I promise its much longer and better than this one.

April's pov

"Mom, Dad, I'm home." I said as I walked into the house and to the living room but I stopped dead in my tracks as I took in the sight before me. It was something that no child should ever see or witness and even if they do that sight bound to haunt that child for the rest of their lives.

My parents were doing it right there on the couch. What's worse was that I could see my dads weird dad butt which the covers barely hid and that alone would completely scar me for life.

I was so surprised that they
Didn't here me come in. Scoff.
Why would they when they were busy wrestling in the sheets.

After the huge shock I finally found my voice, "what the hell are you doing?!" I screamed at them and that caught their attention.

My parents Scrambled to get retrieve some of their clothes which had fallen to the floor with one hand and using the other to cover their selves.

I quickly turned away not wanting to watch them cloth their selves.

"I can't believe you guys. What if I had brought a friend home, uh? And dad, couldn't you wait till you guys had gotten to your room to do that?" I asked, still replaying that horrible image over and over.

"We're sorry honey." Mom apologised but her tone didn't sound so apologetic. So she found this funny, she found traumatising their poor daughter funny?

Good going mom and dad, you've scarred your daughter for life.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room AND please disinfect the couch with sanitizers, only God knows the kind of germs you spread over there. you have a room you know." I said and ran upstairs just wanting to get away from my gross parents.

I entered my room and Slammed the door behind me. I took in a deep breath as I tried to forget what I had just seen But that is incredibly hard to do.

"Maybe I'll just listen to some music, that'll keep my mind off the incident that will never be mentioned." I said to my self.

I grabbed my head phones from the drawer, put it on and jumped into bed and before I knew I was out like a light.

I woke up the next day to the sound of my alarm clock, mad as a hornet which was due to the fact that I woke up at 3:43am and couldn't fall back asleep. I had decided to watch videos on YouTube, I guess I finally fell back asleep around 6am and Now Its already 7 30 am.

I so badly wanted to stay home today but I don't think mom any of would have that.

I got my self out of bed and ran to the shower to take a bath. A few minutes later I was already done with Bathing and Dressing so I sprinted downstairs to have some of mom's scrambled eggs.

"Woah easy on those eggs honey." Mom said as she came out from the kitchen in her checkered apron.

"No time mom." I said and resumed stuffing my face with eggs.

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