Chapter 13: Not complete Monsters.

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April pov

I was still a bit shocked by what was happening, I mean Michael was Talking to me and he was really nice, which was funny because I thought he would kinda be like the others.

"So how long have you lived in this town?" Michael asked whispering.

"Not long, like two years actually." I replied imitating his tone.

"Oh, because I haven't been seeing you around here."

"Dude, almost eight thousand people live in this city, its no wonder you haven't seen me."

"Wow, you seem to know your Economics really well April." He said teasingly.

"Yeah, well..." I said, not really knowing what to say.

After that we didn't really say much anymore, just copying each others notes because we missed a lot of the stuff the teacher had been saying.

Please let the bell go off.

And as if my magic, the fifth period bell went off.
Yes. I internally did a fist pump.

I packed my books into my bag and headed out of the class.

"So what class are you having now?" Michael said walking side by side with me.

"Oh, I have a free period."

"Same...Wanna Go hang out in the library?"

"Sure, I'm actually heading there my self to meet up with Avery."

"OK cool." He said while smiling at me.

I blushed at that simple gesture.
Come on April get it together. You've only known him for like fifty minutes.

As we walked to the library, I noticed a few students giving us strange looks, like it was not normal for me to be seen hanging around Michael.

"Hey Ape." Avery squealed as she hugged me tightly.

I heard Michael let out a not so subtle chuckle behind me. At first I thought why exactly does this situation seem so funny... Oh no!
Avery called me Ape in front of Michael.


"I told you to stop calling me that." I said as I gently pushed myself off of Avery.

"Yeah whatever, I like it, so you better get used to it." She said playfully pointing at me.

"Ugh, Whatever. Avery this is Michael." I said motioning towards Michael.

"Hey." Michael briefly waved with an amused smile.

"Hey, I'm Avery." Avery said smiling.

"I know."

"I know you know, I'm just trying to be polite." Avery said with an Eye roll.

"Will you kids shut up and take a seat. This a library for goodness sake." The librarian, Dorcas scolded angrily.

"Sorry ma'am." Avery said in A hushed tone.

We got tables at the far end of the library, away from the all seeing eye of Mrs Dorcas.

"So Michael, I was just wandering why you aren't, you know like Jackson and his buddies." Avery asked Curiously. I also wandered the same thing but I didn't want to ask, scared that I might Just push his buttons or something.

" you know, Just because I hang out with them that doesn't mean I'll have to behave like them." Michael said with a small smile.

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