Chapter 19-Projects, Cafes and Water.

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Dedicated to Hail1say24

As I stepped into the
cafe, I was greeted with the delicious smell of brewed coffee. I went to the counter to order something to eat while I waited.

I bought my favourites, Chocolate cake with raspberry ice tea. I choose a table closest to the window to sit. I brought my books from my bag and started to make research on the project.

I checked my watch and it was already 10 minutes after the time we agreed on. Sighing I continued to do the project while I waited.

I took a sip from the ice tea, trying to like I was expecting someone, I took another look out the window for any sign of his car or Jackson but there was no sign of him anywhere.

I checked the time and it was already 4:09pm . I could feel the anger bubbling inside me, ready to burst.

30 minutes went by and there was still no sign of Jackson. I was trying to think of reasons why he could be late. Maybe he had chores to do, or homework, or at the grocery store or is busy screwing some chick while he's supposed to be working on our project.

He better not be screwing some chick at the expense of his project.

I packed up my books and instead focused on my half eaten meal.

I waited another thirty minutes before I finally had enough. Fuming, I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the cafe, not missing the strange looks I got from the workers and a few customers

This experience was so humiliating. I just wondered what those people thought of me, Maybe they'll think I probably some loser with no friends and have no where interesting to go because I don't get invited anywhere because I have no friends, so my only option is to to pass the time in a cafe for two hours because and I quote "I have no friends."

I'll have Jackson's head on a pole for this. I got to my car and angrily got in. Without wasting time, I slammed my car door shut and drove away.


As I pulled into the garage, moms car also in pulled in not long after. She couldn't have been at work because she doesn't get off work at 5 pm.

"Hey mom, your home late." I stated as I went to hug her.

"I just came back from Jackson's house. I was visiting his mother."

"Oh, cool." I shrugged and ran upstairs to see Luna.

I knocked on Luna's door and was surprised to receive no response.

Strange. Luna's usually home by now. I opened her door and slowly peered inside.

Luna was sprawled on her kings sized bed, already fast asleep, and on her right, laid Jake who was also asleep. He had his head rested at the crook of her neck.

A soft smile made its way to my lips. It was such a cute sight to see.

Not wanting to be left out, I dropped my bag and took of my shoes, quickly joining them on the bed. I got the blanket and pulled it over us.


"Wake up April, your gonna be late." I felt something jerking me awake. All I want is a little sleep, is that too much to ask.

"Give me ten more minutes." I said groggily.

"I can't because, that'll be 10 minutes out of the 18 minutes you have left to get ready for school." Like that was my trigger, my eyes shot open and I ran to the bathroom, not even thanking the angel who practically saved me.

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