Chapter 9: Glimmer's Games

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Glimmer's POV:

"Marvel can you pass me a towel?" I shout while in the shower. Marvel isn't the best that I've seen, but he's quite cute. But OH MY GOD, that guy Cato from district 2! He was a total 11/10. He's my next target. But some practice with Marvel isn't going to hurt anybody.

"Uhh... Can't you get Cashmere to pass it to you?" he yells back. I roll my eyes. Come on Marvel, don't be shy. I have to come up with an excuse quickly.

"Her and Gloss went out on a meeting with the other mentors from district 2 early this morning!"

"She never told me anything about that."

"Yeah, well she saw me on her way out and told me to tell you. Now can you get me the damn towel!" I shout annoyed.

"Ugh, yea."

I wait for a bit, do my hair, make sure I look good. But when he comes in he has his hand over his eyes. Ugh seriously? How old is he? He doesn't act like an 18 year old for sure. I roll my eyes and take the towel. Guess I'm not getting anything from him. 

So all of my focus will be dedicated to Cato. I take some time to get ready. Unfortunately I have to wear that stupid uniform. I still look pretty in it, but I could've looked better. I put some makeup on, brush my hair a few times and make sure I look dazzling as always. I go downstairs to get some breakfast. As I'm slowly walking down the stairs Gloss and Marvel stare at me. Well, I guess I really am pretty. Cashmere smiles at me.

 I quickly eat a bit of salad- I don't want to gain more weight during my journey at the Capitol. Gloss and Cashmere begin whispering something to each other. Marvel seems unbothered, but thanks to the 10 years of gossip that I've been though, I can hear what they're talking about. 

"Look, I know that we decided to help Marvel, but Glimmer will get more sponsors." Gloss starts.

"Gloss, she hasn't trained in the academy like Marvel or the other careers have." Cashmere replies. I sigh. That's true. Since I had an older sibling going to the academy, the government decided that if I get picked she would volunteer for me. And I won't have to go to the academy. Instead I was put in a design/ beauty products/ jewelry/ everything-that-makes-you-beautiful school and occasionally I participated in beauty pageants. But my sister got picked at the 71st hunger games and she lost to that stupid lumberjack from district 7: Johanna Mason. And now that I got picked, there was nobody to volunteer for me. I continue to listen to the conversation.

"She may be weaker than Marvel, but a bit weaker. The sponsors will compensate that. " Gloss says and suddenly I feel really grateful, even though I know that he's not doing that because he cares about me, but only because of my looks. I sigh. That's the way it has always been anyways. Cashmere doesn't say anything and seems to think about it. 

"Okay, we'll see what their scores are and then we'll decide." Cashmere finally says and Gloss nods. Then we continue to eat.

"Marvel, Glimmer, we appointed you a meeting with the district 2 tributes early in the morning at the training grounds." Cashmere says. Yes! Cato!

Marvel and I are soon walking into the training grounds. Cato and the other girl from district 2 have't arrived yet. 

"Do you think you're going to win?" I ask Marvel, trying to make a small talk.

"I've always wanted to participate in the hunger games and I've trained for them since forever. I guess I do have a pretty decent chance of winning."

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