Chapter 23: Battle after battle

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Cato's POV:


That's all I was focused on.

I couldn't pay any attention to how my blonde partner was doing, but I hope she was alright. I really couldn't care less about her well-being, but if she gets severely injured- both of us will be eliminated from the competition. 

I couldn't even see if anybody had spotted me or was even lunging at me. I guess the hope was all I was relying on. All of my focus was towards the shiny metal sword.

As I was sprinting towards the weapon, I could see it getting closer and closer, but the anxiety that I had no idea how the battle was going was killing me.

Faster Cato, faster!

Just a few more meters were standing between me and the sword. My sword. I couldn't wait anymore and jumped, desperately trying to get a hold of the weapon quicker.

As my cold hands collided with the burning metal, my eyes reflected relief. However, I quickly snapped back to reality as the battle was far from over.

I glance at Flame. She was viciously swinging the ax around. It was obvious she was rather... incompetent with it but was doing a good job of keeping both of her opponents at a distance. Her strategy was to try to swing the ax in order to keep the enemies at a safe distance. 

The brown-haired girl didn't seem like much of a fighter. She had a couple of knives that I could identify as throwing knives from the distance. I'm not so sure though. She could be dangerous. If she was skilled with them or worse, if that was Clove, then both Flame and I would be eliminated really soon. 

But for now, she was just blocking all of my partner's swings with her shield. 

As for the blue-haired guy, he was trying to find an open spot to stab blondie with his spear, however every time that he tried to make a move, he had to move back because my partner was constantly swinging around her ax.

That wasn't Clove. Or if she was, then she wasn't revealing her true potential. I should admit, however, that my partner is quite strong as she was constantly swinging the ax and an ax is pretty heavy.

And Flame wasn't taking a break.

Not like she had any choice.

But don't worry sweetheart, I'm coming to help you out. 

Since the guy was the only one (for now) who was attacking as the girl was more in a defensive mood, I decided I am going to aim for him first. 

He was too focused on Flame to even see my sneaking from behind him. 

I was just a few meters from him, preparing to strike when a scream broke out.

"BEHIND YOU!!!!!" the brunette yelled on top of her lungs. The guy with the spear quickly turned around, spotting me. Knowing that I had no time to lose, I lunged at him.

Unfortunately, the guy had enough time to recognize me and managed to dodge my first strike.

However, I knew that one to one I was going to be able to beat him. I mean even if this was Marvel, I could still beat him. 

I swung again, aiming at his left shoulder, but he managed to block my sword with his larger spear.

I couldn't let him have an opportunity to strike, I had to continue to attack him without stopping. 

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