Chapter 29: Tip top

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Cato's POV:

She is one of a kind. Too bad she's going to die soon. I would've played with her more. I do want to see what the outcome of that would be. I won't give in and she won't either. How would this end? Well, I will never know because I will have to kill her before that.

A part of me really does want her dead. I mean she should know her place! She had the audacity to disrespect and humiliate CATO HADLEY! She is just a seam girl from 12, she should know who's above her. And show some respect. Seeing her blood on my hands would comfort me. I will know that really nobody can do what she did and get away with it. Nobody can disrespect Cato Hadley. I have to show that. Because if I let her unharmed what will happen? The peasants will start thinking they have a lot more rights than they actually do! 

But another part of me doesn't want her to die. I'm not so sure why that is, but I'm drawn to her. NOT IN ANY ROMANTIC WAY... of course... but she's just...different. I've never come across someone like Katniss Everdeen. I thought accomplishing my plan, making Everdeen fall for me, would be easy, but hell no. She made the situation even worse. Not only is she climbing up the ranks and getting more and more attention by picking up these "fights" with me, but she is publicly humiliating me and standing up to me! She is showing all of the other tributes that she isn't scared of me! And she should! They all should! It's messing up all of my plans! And she isn't fucking falling for my charms!


I'm Cato Hadley, I've always gotten every single girl that I've wanted. I've been with prettier girls than her, richer girls than her, more popular girls than her, smarter girls than her then WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I GET HER?!

This mission turned out to be a lot harder than I thought.

And I don't like that.

Tomorrow's examination day. Then it's interview day and then a free one and then HUNGER GAMES.

I have three fucking days to make Everdeen fall in love with me. Already 4 days gone and no advancement. 

I don't even know if there's a point in trying to make her fall for me though for a couple of reasons.

First, she obviously had no interest in me: even after I kissed her she still fucking bit me, kneed me and shot me!

Second, maybe she already knows about my plan because I let it show in some moments, but it wasn't on purpose I swear! With her annoying attitude, that girl's driving me crazy! And some moments I just couldn't hold back and well... didn't act the way someone... in love would. What if she understood it was all a plan?! She probably hates me even more! That would explain why she isn't giving in to my charms and her "revenge plan". But oh, don't even get me started on this revenge.


Dying all of my clothes pink and forcing me to go into the training center, in front of EVERYBODY with barbie pink clothes?! For some revenge?! Excuse me, but can you just KNOW YOUR FUCKING PLACE?! I can murder you in 100 different ways right now! Just because you have some skills with a bow is nothing against my years of training! If you think you can beat me, you're fooling yourself! I was born for this! I was born to win!

But I am most disappointed with Clove. I mean, I know I shouldn't be attached to her, but I am. Quite a lot. Too much for a person who has to watch her die or kill her. I grew up with Clove. She knows me better than my own parents who never really cared to get to know me, but that's a whole other thing. Clove is the first person I've opened up to and I plan for her to be the last. She knows how much I've struggled with building up a reputation for myself. She knows how much it means to me! And here she just comes with this "revenge" bullshit to humiliate me. She knew how much it will hurt me! Yet she did it.

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