Chapter 11: She's a nobody

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Cato's POV:

"Since I could kill all of you with the snap of my fingers" I warn dangerously. Know your place Clove. Glimmer and Marvel shiver, but she remains steady- like she was taught to. But I know I scared her. I know her. We've trained together for over 10 years. We know each other's weaknesses, behaviors, everything. I could see that Clove was fighting her own battle against me to get to be the mentors' favorite. She was loosing, though. Obviously. Brutus had talked to me and told me him and Enobaria chose me and I have nothing to worry about. Of course, there's always the "Clove threat" so I keep an eye on her, but besides that, everything will be a piece of cake. That girl, Glimmer. She would be easy to get. It would be nice for me to have some fun before going into the games. 

Atala speaks finally and I don't have to continue the discussion within my career pack. Yeah, you heard right. MY career pack. I'm the leader. Duh. 

"In 2 weeks 23 of you will be dead," she begins and I feel somebody watching me. We've been trained to feel when we were being observed. I calmly find my eyes wondering and they lock with grey ones: the girl from 12. I smirk slightly and she quickly looks away. Usual girl reaction. 

Eventually I stop listen to Atala and instead try to examine that guy Thresh from 11- our only threat. He has a stocky built. I'm slightly taller than him. He doesn't seem stressed: is it because he has already accepted his death or because he thinks he's going to win? Whatever it is, I don't care, he's going to die, just like everybody else in this room. Atala dismisses us and I go to the sword station- of course.

I chop two of the arms of the dummies, swing to slice another one's head off and finish by shoving my sword deep inside the dummy's stomach. I was in an excellent shape. I realize that I've attracted a bit of audience and give a victorious smirk. However, I can feel eyes burning a hole in my back. That's got to be Clove. Only she can have that effect on people. I turn around, but meet district 12's grey stormy eyes. I don't even let out a smirk, because I suddenly feel lost in them. I could usually read girls so easily, but it seemed like hers had built a protective wall around her soul, so that no one can look at it and judge it. Before I could have a chance to try to figure out something about this mysterious girl, she quickly looks away. I'm pulled from my trans and suddenly feel really ashamed of myself. Did I just feel...powerless.... over a girl from 12?! I quickly look around to check if anyone was watching me. I don't know what that was. Maybe just a bit of respect because she volunteered for her sister, but nothing more. I'm Cato Hadley. I can read and have any girl I want, I tell myself, frustrated. I turn to Glimmer who seemed really focused on shooting an arrow at the archery station. She said her weapon was a bow. let's see how good she actually is. I don't expect a lot from her since she seems like more of a beauty queen than a warrior. She shoots. And surprisingly hits bullseye. She turns to me smiling and I let out an approving nod. 

I decide to go to the knife station. It took me quite a bit of time for me to find my perfect knife. But I finally found it. It had a long red handle and a sharp silver blade which was shining under the light. I started to train with it a bit, but was interrupted by Clove's shouts. I turn looking at direction trying to figure out what she was doing. She was shouting something at the girl from nine and I smiled slightly. I turned back to my knife. But it was gone.

WHO DARED TO STEAL MY MOTHERFUCKING KNIFE?!?!?! I look around and see the boy from six standing a few meters away from me. 

"Where's my knife huh?" I begin raising my voice


"WHERE'S MY KNIFE!" I shout getting ready to hit him. "I PUT MY KNIFE THERE!"

"Don't touch me!" the boy yelled.

"YOU STOLE MY KNIFE! I shout and 2 peacekeepers come holding me back.



"I didn't touch your knife!"

"LIAR" I scream trying to get to him, but the peacekeepers were holding me back tightly. "YOU TOOK MY KNIFE. JUST WAIT FOR THE ARENA YOU WILL BE THE FIRST ONE I GET, SO WATCH YOUR BACK" I shout darkly and I could see that district 6 was scared.  

By the end of my little outburst I can see that everybody was watching me and I'm happy that I attracted some audience. The peacekeepers escort me away. Before that I catch another glance of those grey stormy eyes. 

Clove, Glimmer, Marvel and I gather together because we were done showing off our skills. It was time for us to watch, laugh and intimidate the other tributes. 

The guy from 3 tried to complete a parcour, but failed miserably: falls on the ground and obviously fractured his leg. What a weakling. 

Next I see 12 at the camouflaging station. Ugh, why's everyone here so boring?! I take a glance of the district 8 boy fighting a trainer and he seems kind of good. Not good enough to be with us, so I loose interest. This just puts him higher in our killing list. 

Oh wait, fire girl moves to the shuriken throwing station. I shove Clove and when she looks at 12 preparing to throw, she lets out a small chuckle. A chuckle that almost makes her seem innocent. Almost. Glimmer and Marvel look at 12 too. And..... she throws. And misses by a lot. She turns around embarrassed and we all burst out laughing. Oh well that was a miserable fail. Why did I expect anything different from a girl from 12? There's nothing special about her. Nothing. She was just lucky to get a good stylist and make a good entrance. Her volunteering was nothing special. She was just so desperate to "save" her sister. She's not skilled. She's nothing. There's nothing special about her eyes. They're grey and boring. Not stormy. Not feisty. Not mysterious. Boring. She's a nobody. A nobody that soon will be dead.


Here's a short chapter from Cato's POV. I planned it to be longer, but I want to make another Katniss' POV and then continue with Cato's. So that's for now. Hope you enjoyed it!

💋I will try to update regularly! 💋

😻Thank you all for taking a bit of your time to read my 11th chapter!😻

🤩Comment what you think and how I can improve it! I'm open to your ideas!🤩

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😬Is Katniss really nothing special? Will Cato change his mind and how?😬

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