Chapter 16: I spy with my little eye

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Clove's POV:

I wake up troubled by the sunlight. I turn to look at the clock- it's 6 o'clock. I slowly get up and go make breakfast for myself. I then go back to my bedroom and sit on the bed, thinking. I try to process everything. The first thing that's on my mind is 12. Even though it was hard for me to admit it, she was good. Most importantly, she was dangerous. And I didn't like this at all. Normally I would like a good challenge, but I was playing with fire. And if I'm not careful I might get burned.

I don't know what to do with her. We can't have her in the career pack. That's too big of a humiliation. We need to kill her as soon as the games start. She has to be our first target. I suppose the game makers are going to bring us together with her as we're probably going to be the most dangerous of all the tributes and we will put up an interesting fight. But what if she doesn't have a bow, the weapon she's good at? Then the game makers won't bring us together because there won't be any fights. We can't risk having her off sight. I guess I will just have to make sure she will go for the cornucopia and kill her there myself.

The second thing is Cato. Since he's taken the role of "leaders of the careers" Enobaria hasn't spoken to me and this worries me. I feel like the mentors have finally agreed to help Cato and I'm not pleased at all with this. I can't die. I have to win. I have no other choice. I need to prove to my parents or my whole life spent in the training center would be in vain.

The only way for me to regain the mentors' support is by earning a higher score in training. And this is the day after tomorrow. I'm in excellent shape so I'm hoping for a 10 or 11. Cato will probably get a 9 or 10 and then we'll be set. Marvel will be be getting a 8 or 9 and Glimmer a 7. She's not born to be a career. I don't even know why she's with us. Ugh and she's always around Cato, it's pathetic. He's just going to have some fun and throw her away like a Barbie doll. But I guess that's what Cato always does.

What about the girl on fire? She will probably get a 9. I can still beat her. I can still beat everybody. I can win. I will win. I have no other choice.

Where's everybody anyways? It's 6:30. Everybody should be awake by now. I walk around the apartment, but neither Brutus nor Enobaria seem to be awake yet. There's only Cato that I can annoy then.

"Cato!!!!" I storm in his room hoping that I had just scared the shit out of him. But when I come in I realise that he's not in his bed. What? Where is he?

He probably woke up early. Yeah, I told you he's an early bird. Where could he be? I've known him for more than 10 years already. There can be only one place where he can be: the only place he's ever been taught to go to- the training center.

I quickly put on my uniform and rush to the elevator. Training will be starting in an hour and a half. 

As soon as I reach the training center I realize that Cato's there. And he's not alone.

Fire girl is with him.

And as if that isn't enough, I realize that she's at the sword station with a hand around her waist.



Hiiii! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I was abroad. I promise a few chapters will be coming up soon. That was just a short chapter to transition and keep the story going smoothly. I promise the next chapter will be more eventful and will be coming out at the end of the week at latest. Thank you and have a great day!

💋I will try to update regularly! 💋

😻Thank you all for taking a bit of your time to read my 16th chapter!😻

🤩Comment what you think and how I can improve it! I'm open to your ideas!🤩

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😲Wait, what did we miss between Cato and Katniss?!😲

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