The Not So Effective Get Away

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A/N - James "talented, brilliant, creative, wonderful" Dashner owns all these characters and ideas, except Autumn.

Also I've already had like 6 reads which isn't a lot but I only made this story like 4 hours ago so I'm pretty pleased, not gonna lie :)

"Um, can I have a definition of slammer?" I stuttered as I watched all the hands shoot up. No one answered me. My heart was racing. I need to get away. I need to go back into the maze, and to find a way out. I can't be trapped here under the control of all these boys that clearly disliked me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, itching to make a move. No. I need to wait until we go outside. I tried to slow my breathing. If I wanted to get away I had to be clever about it. No tactless running, that wouldn't do me any good.

Alby said that all the boys could go excpet Newt, Minho and the dark haired boy that had spoken before (rudely, might I add). Everyone cleared out and I stood up from my chair walking over to where all the boys where standing, taking care to bump into the dark haired boy on the way there.

"Slammer it is," I smiled weakly at Newt before adding, "lead the way."

Alby squinted at me curiously before telling the dark haired boy, (whom he refered to as Gally) and Minho to stand in front of me and him and Newt stood behind me. They created a sort of square of protection. Darn, this is going to be harder then I thought. Oh well. I wasn't giving up, it just had to be at the perfect moment.

We walked out of the building and I saw a little concrete building thing, that was sort of half sunk into the ground not that far ahead. If I was going to act it would have to be now. I faked a step to the side and then bolted in the other direction, Newt's arms narrowly missing me. I sped off as fast as I could, which I learned was quite fast. I knew that Minho and Newt where right behind me probably closely followed by Alby and Gally. I couldn't afford not to make it though, the majority of the people here hated me with having no impression of me. I don't even want to think what they would do if they caught me.

"Hey! Stop it! Don't be crazy Lizzy!" I heard Newt yell from behind me. I bit my lip as I sped up. Before I knew what was going on I yelled back at him.



"I lied! My name's Autumn!"

I was so close, I was only about a hundred feet from the opening. I could make this! I could make this! I -. My thoughts were interrupted as I was tackled to the ground. I hit the ground hard, and I was held there. My arms pinned above my head by Newt. I was strong but he was stronger.

"Why?" he hissed quietly to me and just me.

"Because when you're scared to death and you're by yourself and you get attacked by a freaking griever you keep the one thing that you actually know to yourself!" I spit back at him in a whisper yell. I was talking fast, I know I only had a few seconds before I was over powered completely. "Newt, listen to me. You have to let me go, you have to. No one likes me here! I can handle myself, please you have to let me go." He was caught up in the moment and his grip loosened ever so slightly. I rolled out from under him and was on my feet again. I was running, but I was stopped. This time not by being tackled to the ground, but I was engulfed in a hug.

This time I let Newt pull me back away from the Maze doors, just as they began to close. I was too confused and flustered to even notice that the doors actually closed and moved by themselves. I knew in my mind that the other boys caught up to us, but they were staying behind just a bit, giving us a little privacy.

"Hey, I have no idea how bloody hard that must have been for you but please...Autumn. You need to stay here. You don't understand how dangerous it is out there. Everyone is just confused, they don't hate you. Come on, it'll be okay."

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