A Promise

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A/N - Hey guys I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support even though I may not be the best writer and I have an awful tendency to draw things out as long as socially acceptable, but thanks for sticking with the story :) 

Also this chapter is another one in Thomas's POV... *smirks* 

        The boy watched, brown eyes glued to the screen as the girl awoke. There was something wrong this time, about her memories returning. We did not have control over them. The previous incident had been us, we needed to see if she would react to the WICKED computer system, and luckily she did. However this was not us, the flashing lights and blaring alarms were a constant reminder to Thomas of that. WICKED was not in control of Autumn. 

        He had been assigned to watch her whenever she did something unusual, he couldn't help but smiling every time. WICKED wanted, needed to know more about this girl, this strange, strange girl that requested a fuzzy blanket and balloons... Thomas shook his head, ridding it of the distracting (yet pleasant) thoughts.

        He had watched as Autumn collapsed and shook, overwhelmed by the memory. Watched as a Glader — Gally it was, had noticed her laying on the ground. He watched as he took her small hand in his and tried to wake her up. She wouldn't. Watched as Gally yelled to the others, saw a concerned boy (the newest Greenie) pacing by her side, saw as Newt shoved through the small crowd of Gladers that had gathered. Saw him sit nervously by her side, holding her hand, biting his lip. That's when Thomas felt it, a pang of jealously. How come Newt could be there to comfort her and not him? He shook the silly thought away. 

        Autumn wouldn't wake, and that's what really had worried Thomas. This was uncontrollable, something WICKED could not do to help, not that they would. They wanted her dead, it just had to be done correctly. Thomas had made a promise to himself when he heard that, he would make sure that 'perfect oppourtunity' never, ever arose. Thomas watched in anticipation as Newt carried her limp body to the Homestead and placed her not in a hospital bed, but in his own. There it was again, that terrible burning pit of jealously. Thomas clenched his fists, no longer wanting to have to be the one to observe this. But he had to do his job because it meant WICKED would find a cure, and WICKED is good. 

        So now Thomas watched as Autumn woke up. Eyes opening to find a slumbering Newt propped against his bed, hand holding hers. Watched as she frowned and then smirked. Saw her get up off of the Gladers bed and plant a small kiss on the top of the blonde boys head before practically dragging him onto his bed. Newt didn't wake up, shifted in his sleep maybe, but didn't wake. 

        Thomas glanced towards a clock on his screen, he couldn't leave this shift to see Teresa for another hour...so he continued to observe. Now he saw her pull her fuzzy blanket up to her chin, laying on her makeshift bed on the floor. He watched her turn on her side and he felt his heart beat. Thomas felt something unexplainable. A bizarre impulse to be there, laying with her, to take her small body and wrap his arms around her. It was the strangest thing for him to think, but he just couldn't let go of it. 

        Although Thomas couldn't admit it to himself, he was in love with Autumn. He adored her strength and her will power and her intelligence and just her. In that moment Thomas made another promise to himself... 

A/N - Sorry this is so so soooo short, but two in one day guys... :/ 

Sooooo I did a thing, what did you guys think of it? 

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