The Return Of Briar

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Disclaimer - None of these ideas or characters are the creation of my flawed brain...they all belong to the brilliance of James Dashner and his little doge... well maybe not the dog but still 

A/N - Just wanted to say that I love you guys so much, like really your comments brighten up my day so so soooo much and I smile every time and you're all so nice to me and just thank you for being great :) 

Also DISCLAIMER this is not going to be smutty or really even super descriptive about that kind of stuff cause I don't like it... if you don't as well high-five and if you do then I'm sorry but unfortunately this story is not for you (I'm not judging you if you do, I just personally don't enjoy them) 

Briar's POV 

        I had jumped, right off the Cliff as I was instructed to do. However I hadn't fallen to an endless doom like I expected, I landed in a room. A small room lit only by the dim glow of a dirty computer screen. I limped over to it wit my remaining strength, sucking in huge gulps of air with each step. It was like a had run a marathon, not walked across a room. My limbs screamed in protest and I could feel them giving out, it had been too long, I was too exhausted. My fingertip brushed the surface, pulling off layers of dust before I fell to the ground. 

        I couldn't stand, I could barely even sit, so I could definitely not use a computer. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, terrified that any one of them could be my last, but I exhaled. I blinked in the dark room, my eyes slowly adjusting. The room was very small and it seemed that the only way out was up. I wasn't able to make out any more details, I felt my head tipping and my vision blurring. Have you brought me here so my death would go unnoticed? So everything would be perfect again? With my remaining effort I screamed those words through my head. 

        "No, I've brought you here to save you." I pulled my head up, eyes landing on a curved figure. It was the voice, the same voice that had told me to come here. She walked towards me, her pace fast and meaningful. Her features were blurry and I couldn't make out anything except her striking blue eyes. 

        "I'm Teresa." 


        My eyes flew open and I felt my breath return to me. Everything was clear again, I was no longer dying. My eyes stared up at a ornate white ceiling, I moved them around to take in my surroundings. I was laying on a bed in the middle of the room, actually that seemed to be the only thing in the room other than a pair of clean clothes and myself. I sat up, surprised to feel no ache's or pain at all. Where am I? I tried to recall what had happened before, but everything blurred together and it was hard to separate one event from another. I got off the bed, staring down at my horribly out of place clothes. They were battered, and torn and stuck to me with dirt and dried blood. I stripped them off, exchanging them for the clean ones; a pair of simple black jeans and a t-shirt. 

        I crossed the room to the door. The thought of being trapped in here hadn't entered my mind until then. I took a deep breath and turned the cool metal knob, it rotated. I let out a little breath, smiling. The room emptied out into a long corridor, fluorescent lights lit the pathway, exposing other doors. I stepped out of the room, not sure where I would go. I decided to turn left, I walked along the curving hallway, trying to absorb every single detail. 

        "I do believe he should be awake now." I froze, dead in my tracks. I had no where to hide. I couldn't run, I would get lost. I pressed myself against the wall, praying that if I was still enough they wouldn't notice me. 

        "And he's been sent?" I heard a whispered response but couldn't make out any words. "Good." Holding my breath at the approaching voices, fighting to stay as still as possible. He saw as they turned around the corner, there were two of them; the girl that had saved him and another woman. He saw Teresa point at him and he knew was found. He sighed, stepping away from the wall. 

        "Where am I?" he asked the pair. 

Autumn's POV 

        "Autumn guess what? You can ru— oh." Minho flew through the door, halting when he saw Newt's arms wrapped around me. My eyes widened and I felt the blood rush to my face. Newt removed his arms and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. I scowled at the smirk that was growing on Minho's face, he released the door handle and crossed his arms in an I-know-something-you-don't kind of way. 

        "I see," Minho said, smirking. He winked at Newt then left the room strutting. I closed my eyes and squeezed them tight, a small laugh escaped me. I felt an arm around my waist and I looked up to see Newt, smiling equally as big as me. 

        "Looks like you can run again." Newt stated, kissing the top of my head. 

        "Looks like I can." I stepped away from him and did a little bow. 


        I finally tracked down Minho in the map room, preparing for a long day of Running. 

        "Minho!" I walked through the door, well as through as it ever gets with me...I somehow managed to smack my shoulder on the frame whilst walking through. Minho looked up at me and laughed. 

        "What's that, the fifth time now?" 

        "Shut up." I walked over to him, rubbing my bicep. A look of mock offence drawn across my face. 

        "Sooooo," He nudged me with his elbow, the same smirk decided to make a reappearance. 

        "Sooooo?" I mimicked him and he crossed his arms. 

        "Is it —" I nodded slowly, eyes staring into the concrete ground, before he could even finish. I let my hair fall in front of my face in an attempt to hide the blush. I looked up to see him smiling at me. 

        "I approve." 

A/N - I'm sorry this chapter sucks as well... :/ 

Um we have to write these short stories in LA and I thought mine was really good so far and going great for what we had to do but then my teacher told me it was wrong and now I have to start over so that's why this is kinda rushed and crappy but I have to write a whole other story in like the next three hours... 

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