A Bloody Griever

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Disclaimer - these ideas have not come out of my brain...they have come out of the wonderous James Dashner's. Good job bud, I love your ideas...so much so that I made a character, Autumn. 

A/N - Oooohhhhh that last one was a cliffhanger 


Autumn's POV 

        I would love to say that I had just managed to dive out of the way as the Griever's arm flew by, but that was not the case... no. It was very much the opposite. 

        I felt Newt fly to the side, away from the Griever. I also felt as it's needle stuck itself into the left side of my stomach. The pain was immediate. As soon as the cool metal embedded itself into my skin I felt it, something cold was spreading through me at a rapid pace. It was infecting my blood, travelling through my veins. It caused me to collapse on the ground. My breathing had quickened and my muscles fought for control. I clenched my hands, red was beginning to tinge my vision so I squeezed my eyes shut. As if that would make everything go away, take the poison out of my blood, stop the violent shaking, sooth the burning cold. 

        I felt the sweat dripping down off of me. My muscles were seizing and I knew if I wanted to say something now was it. Between ragged gasps for breath I managed "The Glade." It was directed at Newt. My eyes were still sealed off and I was praying with everything in me that he was still there. For a moment there was no answer. Then I felt him, he was picking me up off the ground. 

        "Can you stand?" I could feel my mind slipping in and out of consciousness. I nodded, whether accidentally or on purpose I had no clue. All I know is that we needed to get back to the Glade. I wasn't even sure if I was moving my feet, my brain would go blank and the world around me would spin and then everything would be normal again, then it repeated. Faster and faster until the world didn't come back. 

Newt's POV 

         I was knocked to the ground. I turned my head to see everything happen. I watched her in the air, I watched as it shoved it's bloody stinger into her. I watched as she fell to the ground, I watched as the thing bloody walked away! I ran over to her. Her breaths were ragged, her muscles clenched, she was drenched in sweat and I could already see the green venom spreading through her veins. I choked back a sob. Autumn. 

        "The Glade," she coughed and spluttered after each word. It was horrible, I felt my heart speeding up. NO! You need to bloody calm down! I would not freak out now. I had to get her back, I picked her up off the ground. 

        "Can you stand?" She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. I put an arm around her for support, she was shaking. She began to walk forwards with me as her crutch. Shuck. Shuck. Shuck. It's the bloody Creator's fault! They did this to her! They locked us in this stupid Maze and did this to her! My heart was pounding against my chest, threatening to break free at any moment. 

        I felt her slipping. She was shaking violently and she was loosing her footing. I picked her up and ran. I ran as fast as I could! Around the twists and turns, through the open doors and into the Glade. I was here but nothing was okay. 

        "Alby!" I yelled. I hadn't stopped running. I was heading straight for the Homestead. "Med-jacks!" I screamed out. I shoved open the door and bolted at full speed up the stairs. Some curious Gladers had poked their heads out of doors or stopped what they were doing to stare, but I didn't care. 

        "Newt!" I whipped around violently to see Jeff standing at the top of the stairs. "What happened..." he trailed off, his eyes had reached Autumn. His dark eyes moved from her to me and then he rushed past me and through the door. I followed. 

        "Lay her down." He instructed as he began rummaging through cupboards at top speed. "Stung right?" 

        "Yeah." I nodded even though Jeff's back was turned. I couldn't talk, I didn't trust myself. Would I break out in sobs, would I get angry? I had no idea so I just kept my mouth shut and pleaded with my eyes that Autumn would be alright. I watched her, she was still unconscious but she had began to writhe around. I felt my breath quicken and I tried desperately to look away but I couldn't break my stare.

        Everything was blurring around me. I felt a strong pair of arms drag me out of the room as Jeff injected her with the serum. She hadn't stopped convulsing, it was horrible. It was the worst thing I've ever seen. It made me want to curl up in a ball and just...die. However there was something that pulled me out of that thought. It was Minho. 

        "What the shuck happened?" he demanded. I looked up at him, (I wasn't aware that I had sat down) a look of worry and confusion had spread across his red face. It looked like he had just gotten back. I shook my head slowly. Minho squated down and placed one knee on the ground. "Newt. What happened to her?" his voice was serious. Minho was never this serious. 

        "What do you think bloody happened slinthead? A shucking griever!" I yelled. I was angry, angry that Autumn pushed me away, angry that Minho cared about her, angry that no one understood, and angry at the bloody Creators. 

        I expected Minho to back away, but he didn't. He placed a firm hand on my shoulder in a get-your-klunk-together-man sort of fashion before speaking. 

        "Hey. She'll be alright. She got the serum. Everything'll be okay. Just tell me, what happened?" 

A/N - Hey so this was just a filler chapter thing, I just needed to show what happened. The next chapter is going to have A LOT of explanations and stuff so just bear with me. :/

The Glitch (Newt || The Maze Runner Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant