The Runner Trials

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Disclaimer - I am unfortunately incapable of creating characters and ideas like that of James Dashner, so yeah...if you hadn't noticed they're his

        I looked over at Newt, who was still fast asleep on the floor. I don't think I could move him into his bed without waking him up so instead I got up as quietly as I could and exited the room. Today was the day. I got to be a Runner today. I get to feel the wind whip against my skin, feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, and most importantly I get to try and find out how I got in here. 

        I walked down the stairs of the homestead and across the room — careful not to tread on any of the sleeping boys along the way. The fresh air was magnificent. The sun was rising, I guessed it had to be around seven o'clock. I shrugged and headed towards Frypan's. The Runner's usually got up early anyways, so they could get a start on the Maze as soon as the doors open. I had already been in the Maze before so I knew what to expect, also the small fact that I had also already seen and outrun a griever. Which is more than any other greenie's have accomplished in their first three days here, so I think I'm pretty well qualified to become a Runner. At least I hope so... 

        Frypan wasn't in his kitchen quite yet, (which I was immensely glad for) so it made raiding his fridge a whole lot easier. I pulled out some fruit and cereal, and took it to go. I was going to go wait by a big tree near the outskirts of the Deadheads. The sun had climbed higher into the sky, melting away any trace of the deep blues and purples that had been there before. I plopped myself down on the ground very un-gracefully and began to eat. I was about halfway through my apple when Minho showed up. 

        "Looks like someone's a bit excited," the sarcasm in his voice was very present. 

        "Woke up early." I shrugged and continued eating. 

        "You ready for today greenie?" He asked. Minho was still standing above me with (seemingly) no intentions of sitting. 

        "Yessir," I nodded in reply. 

        "Then get your shuck butt off the ground and lets get moving." 

        "Good morning to you too." I mumbled under my breath as I stood up. 

        I followed Minho back towards Frypan's so he could grab a quick breakfast. We mostly just made small talk, you know 'oh it's gonna be hot out today', 'did you sleep with Newt', 'man I'm really sore from running', etc... These conversations continued up until we reached the little building where the Runner's go into to map the Maze, and record what they've seen. Well at least I think that's what they do in there. 

        We entered the small building. It was by far one of the most organized buildings in the whole Glade. There was a large table in the middle of it, with a few blank papers spread across it, these were accompanied by a variety of pens and pencils. The walls were lined with drawings of the maze and with Runner gear, (backpacks, shoes, bags, etc...). I stood in the room, taking it all in while Minho scampered around collecting bags, papers, and just equipment in general for me. 

        "Okay greenie. First thing you need to now is: the maze is dangerous." I opened my mouth to interject but he cut me off, "I know that you know that so shut your hole. Anyways, don't get lost, don't wander off and be careful and observant." I just closed my mouth and nodded. "You are gonna need these." Minho handed me a backpack that was very form fitting and obviously meant for running, a pair of runners, a watch and... a pair of underwear? I held them up with a questioning glance at Minho. 

        "Oh runnie undies," he said with a smile, "Might not fit right but you'll want to use them anyways. Don't worry they're new." I didn't even have the words to respond to him. I just clung to my bundle of things and followed Minho. He lead me to a room in the Homestead which he referred to as 'The Weapon Room'. Rather boring if you ask me. 

The Glitch (Newt || The Maze Runner Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora