I Become A True Greenie

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A/N - All these characters and locations and ideas are the works of James Dashner who *spoilers* puts himself in his movie (I laughed so much), except Autumn because she ain't cool enough to be in the movie. (I apologize and I am never using "ain't" again)

A/N - Also Frypan's personality is slightly different in this because don't get me wrong I love book Frypan, but movie Frypan seemed happier...don't hate me pleaseeeee

I had walked with Alby until we reached the building that I saw the other boy go in earlier. I realized to my delight and my stomach's that it was the food place. Alby explained that since I've already had the tour I will be staying with Frypan until the Runner's come back. And I did not complain. Frypan was the boy that had smiled at me during the Gathering, so I got to spend the day with a nice person and by food. What could be better actually?

"Frypan, Lizzy -" I cut Alby off.

"Actually my name's Autumn. Sorry I figured Newt would have told everyone. Yeah I panicked and it was the only thing I knew for sure so I made up a name..." I gave a feeble smile in Alby's direction.

"Autumn," he corrected, "Is going to be staying with you today, tell her the rules, make some food, you know the drill. She can go when the Runner's come back."

Once Alby left Frypan turned to me with an amused smile upon his bearded face. "You gave a fake name?" I nodded. "I've been here almost a year and I've never seen anyone give a fake name before. Everyone's usually too panicked I suppose."

"Well don't get me wrong I was panicked. I guess I just panicked a bit differently."


I spent the day at Frypan's kitchen and it was a fun day, we talked. I learned that all these boys had been put in the maze with no memories except their name, just like me, but they came here through the Box. Also that Alby was one of the first people here. I just learned a lot about the Glade and the Gladers in general. This whole day was lovely and all, but it was kind of a quiet life, I guess you can say that.

When the Runner's came back he let me leave.

"Are you coming?" I asked him.

"No way. I'm the one that's gotta feed all these shuckfaces after all."

I smiled at him, waved and then left his kitchen. I darted outside, happy to breathe in the fresh air and feel the sun on my skin, which was oddly tanned given my hair colour. Frypan said my eyes were brown so I didn't quite look like a true ginger and I tanned. I had smiled at this, I still hadn't actually seen my face yet.

I sighed and went to the middle of the Glade trying to look for Newt and Minho. They were the only Runner's I knew anyways. I spun on a circle peering at every entrance, everyone was back I was just too far away too make out who was who.

"What the shuck are you doing greenie?" And amused voice said from behind me. I recognized it and replied, "Spinning, it's quite obvious really. I didn't think spinning was such an unknown term." I spun around on my heel to face Gally. Gally was a builder so he was working close to where I am currently. He must be finished as well.

"I understand that you're spinning! Why are you buggin' doing it?" He had gotten angry that I treated him like that and I smiled.

"Because it's fun, ever heard of that?" I asked as if I was talking to a six year old. You could practically see the steam coming out of Gally's nose. He clenched and un-clenched his fists before replying.

"Oh really, I thought it was because you were looking for your boyfriend," he sneered at me. I felt myself beginning to go red but I needed to control it. I broke eye contact and instead looked just beside his cold, angry eyes.

"Well as much as I love the fact that you think I am so amazing that I've gotten myself a boyfriend in one day that is sadly not the truth." He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. I flashed a toothy grin at him and then walked away when I saw Minho and Newt headed towards me.

I walked up next to Minho and began to walk with them. "So greenie, Alby says that you're gonna be a runner." Minho says turning towards me.

"Really?" I say, excitement in my voice.

"Of course you did outrun all of us shanks, except Newt but..." Minho trailed off leaving me confused.

"But what?" I demanded standing in front of him.

"But that was because of special, um conditions..." he trailed off once more.

"Fine then don't tell me." I fell back in line with them.

"So what usually happens when everyone is done their jobs and stuff?" this time it was Newt who answered.

"Well everyone goes to dinner and then we hang around a bit and then we sleep. Pretty simple but it's enough." His accent was especially prominent in that sentence. I laughed. "What?" he asked me.

"You are very British," it's funny I hadn't noticed it that much yesterday, but then again I had a lot more things to think about.

"So I've heard," Newt replied with a kind of inner sigh like everyone tells him that. Minho laughed too and then put his arm around me as we walked to Frypan's kitchen for dinner.

Seems like people do like me here. Also seems like everyone is really friendly...

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