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I had fallen asleep on the way to our new camp. When I woke up however I saw Elijah stroking Lorelei's hair while she had tears running down her face. I smiled at this and went back to sleep.

When I woke up again the jeep had stopped.

"Is this our new camp?" I ask.

"Yes. Now get your butt out of the car and help set up." Elijah tells me.

I groaned but got up out of the car and helped set up the tents. I was working with our squadrons supervisor and so I got all the information I needed about why we were in a swamp. Apparently this swamp in the most secluded area near here in about five miles and we are three miles away from the Bright's camp.

That's a plus I guess. Our supervisor actually turned out to be a pretty nice dude. He kind of reminded me of Leopold. I sighed. I really didn't need a reminder of Leopold right now.

"I heard you recently got married. How's that going for you?" The supervisor asks me.

"It's going really well. My wife, Alivia, oh she is such a wonderful girl." I swoon.

"I've met her. She is a hard worker that one." The supervisor chuckled.


"Yeah. She stitched my knee up when I came back from battle." He informed me.

"I didn't know she worked at the infirmary." I told him.

"Well she is one of the best trainees I have ever seen. If she wanted to I bet she could sign up to be one of those battlefield nurses." My supervisor told me.

"I'll have to ask her when I get home." I tell him.

"You have a daughter don't you?" He asks me.

"I do. Luna Rose." I smile.

"I had a daughter. She's all grown up now."

"Oh really what does she do?" I ask.

"She was a shipper but she now lives with the stars." His eyes seemed far away.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not. She died doing what she loved best. Helping people." He smiled a watery smile.

"I guess that makes it a little better."

"I guess."

"What is your name and what was your daughter's name?" I ask.

"My name is Silas and my Daughter's name was Akia." He told.

"Akia?" I croak out.

I didn't know she had died.

"Did you know her?" Silas asked me.

"Yes." I sighed.

"She was my life." Silas sighed.

"I'm so sorry Silas." I tell him.

"No it's Sir to you soldier." I said clearing his voice.

"Yes sir."

"Now go help set up the tents." He commands me.

I go over to where they are setting up tents. I find Elijah sitting on a heap of fabric where he should have built a tent. He looks far away and not willing to come back to the present.

"Hey Elijah, what's wrong?" I ask him.

He barely even acknowledges that I'm there. He seems so lifeless. He doesn't look at me as I stand in front of him.

"I will get Lorelei to shove your pills down your throat if your don't acknowledge me." I warn. He looks up into my eyes and then goes back to staring into nothingness.

"That's it." I pull out my com.

"Lorelei come give Elijah his pills. He is being frustrating."

"Sure." She responds.

"You better tell me what's wrong or else I'll force it out of you." I inform him.

Elijah just wraps his arms around his knees.

"Veronica lied to me." He whispered.

"What?" I ask softly.

"Veronica lied to me!" He yelled.

Everyone around us turned and looked right at us. Elijah was to mad to notice.

"Why do all my previous girlfriends hate me?" Elijah asks me openly.

"I'm sure they didn't hate you." I drone on.

"Yes they did. Veronica didn't trust me enough to say that she wasn't actually human. I would have been fine with her being a Bright. But she didn't trust me. And Lorelei. She broke up with m-me right after seeing me for the first time in five months." His voice broke.

"I know for a fact that Lorelei loved you more than she even loved herself." I assure him.

"Then why? Why did she feel she had to be rid of me?"

"I don't think she thought of it like that."

"How did she think of it though?" Elijah pleads.

I'm not going to tell Elijah that Lorelei is still in love with him. I'm getting too many mixed signals from Elijah.

"I-I don't know." I stammer.

I wish I could come up with a better answer than that but I can't. I don't understand their drama. I'm not sure I'll ever understand it completely to be honest.

"I have come with the relief." Lorelei announces as she bounds towards us.

She opens the canister of pills and give two to Elijah. Elijah downs them with a swig of water. He hardly looks at Lorelei and when he does it looks like he is more worried than anything else.

I walk away for a minute to go get my tent supplies when I hear Lorelei's soft voice.

"Elijah, are you okay?" She asks full heartedly.

"Yes." He tells her.

He answered her to quick and Lorelei doesn't believe him.

"I don't think you are. Your mood attacks are getting way more severe. I don't think the pills are working as well."

"Why do you care?" He asks harshly.

"Because, Elijah, believe it or not I want to see you be happy." Lorelei assures him.

Elijah looks like he is about to say something more or do something but he bites his lip and stays quiet. That's when I walk away. 

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