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For the past few hours I've been rereading my journal of the past few weeks trying to make sense of what happened. Lorelei offered to explain what happened but I think I would rather hear it from myself first.

Here's what I've made out:

1 I got stung by some weird water bug or something

2 It sent me into some weird fever dream that I was in for a few hours/days

3 Our doctor managed to get some of the poison out but not all of it.

4 I was still in the army

5 Alivia thinks I'm dead/dying

6 I slowly lost my mind over the course of a few days

7 I attempted the murder of Lorelei but failed.

8 I completely lost it and started writing "the world is fake" over and over again in blood. (I hope it was mine)

9 I was in extreme pain and most likely tried to kill Elijah. (That part was a little unintelligible)

10 I completely lost my mind, memory and somehow survived

I'm not kidding it scared me to read my psychotic ramblings. It was strange that I was that mentally deranged to think that Lorelei, the sweetest girl ever, was trying to kill me.

I'm surprised I made it back in one piece, especially after I wrote about Elijah coming to Lorelei's aid. Elijah is extremely protective of Lorelei and would most likely murder anyone even slightly threatening her.

I can tell that there is a difference in the way people are treating me now. They are afraid of me. They fear that I will attack them like I attacked Lorelei. Now I understand how Elijah felt after saying he was a hybrid.

People are afraid of uncertainties. I am one of those things now. I have to accept that. No matter how hard it will be.

"Indiana are you alright? You are looking a little pale." Elijah's voice pulled me out of my mind.

"I'll be fine." I assured him.

Lorelei put her hand on mine and smiled up at me. No trace of fear in her eyes whatsoever.

At least she isn't scared of me. Elijah, however, does show his fear but not for himself but for Lorelei. He treats her as if you look at her wrong she will break.

Lorelei won't break. She is one of the toughest people I know. She gives Elijah a look that tells him that he is being too overprotective. She acts like she hates it but I know she needs that kind of reassuring in her life.

"Indiana lift up your shirt." Elijah tells me.

I was confused for a minute and raised an eyebrow.

"I need to redo your bandages." Elijah rolled his eyes.

I lift up the light shirt they had me wear. They said that "the tough fabric of the uniform would irritate my bug bite" so they have me wearing just a cotton T-shirt.

Elijah pulls the red bandage away from my bug bite. It is still pulped flesh on my body and the rotted skin is still there but my insect bite still looks way better than it did.

He puts another white bandage on my bite and I have to admit it feels a lot better to have a fresh bandage on it.

"Hey Indiana, how are you feeling?" Lorelei asks me.

"I've been better," I grimace.

"We are almost there." She reassures me.

I get to see Liv again. I let the memory of her take over my mind. I smile as I close my eyes and let the full memory take over my senses.

I've done this before. You get assigned a bunk bed and that is where you live for a few weeks. Alivia leads me to the corner of the large room and I see our makeshift home.

Alivia somehow snagged a few chairs and Luna Rose was napping in an old Apple box. I sat down in one of the chairs and felt as though I was closing this crazy chapter of my life.

Alivia didn't sit down next to me, she was observing me.

"What's wrong Liv?" I asked her.

She came and sat on my lap and began tracing her fingers over the dead skin on my neck.

"Does that hurt?" She asked me.

"No." I say pulling her closer.

She gently pressed her lips to my neck and began gently kissing it.

"Does that hurt?" She asked again.

"No." I tell her pressing her up against me.

She wraps her legs around my waist and begins kissing me harder.

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