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I was just trying to use the bathrooms. I promise. When I walked in only one stall was locked. I got into an open one, used it and walked out of it. I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I noticed my hair looked awful. I was trying to fix my curls when I heard a thud in the other stall. It scared me because I forgot I wasn't alone in the bathrooms.

I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

There was no answer so I asked again but loudly.

"Are you okay?" I hoped she would answer me.

Again I received no answer. I was getting worried because she could be hurt. I started trying to open the door but it was locked. I gave up trying to use my shoulder and just kicked the door in.

When I saw what was in the bathroom, I almost threw up. Lorelei was sprawled across the bathroom floor covered in blood.

"Oh my stars!" I gagged.

I ran over to her swallowing my bile, I checked her for a pulse and I found one but it was faint.

"Oh my god, Lorelei." I picked her up.

I did because she couldn't have weighed more than 110 pounds. I carried her all the way to the medics. They were mostly trainee doctors and nurses because no one knows where the real doctors are.

"I need help right away!" I shouted at the lounging nurses.

I carried Lorelei over to a bed and laid her down in it.

"What happened?" One of the nurses asked me in a rush.

"She needs blood and lots of it." I explain to the nurse.

"Go get O negative blood." She tells a nurse.

"Go set up an IV." I tell another.

"DO you know what happened?" The head nurse asks me.

"I don't. I was just in the bathroom and I heard a thud coming from a stall and so I asked if they needed help and they didn't answer and I knocked the door down and I saw Lorelei covered in blood." I spit out in a rush.

I still can't believe that Lorelei would do that to herself. A few of Lorelei's cuts need stitches so the nurses got on that. When she finally wasn't losing more blood than she was gaining we relaxed a bit. Lorelei wasn't going to die today.

"Do you know when she is going to wake up?"

"Probably not for an hour or so." the nurse guesstimated.

I sat in that room not wanting to leave until she woke up. I know someone should tell Elijah but he would probably want to hear it from Lorelei herself.

Lorelei's eyes shot open in that moment.

"Lorelei." I reached out for her.

Lorelei looked at me. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were sunken. Her eyes didn't look to be the same shade anymore. We had managed to get all the blood off of her before she woke up so at least she wasn't covered in her own blood anymore.

"What happened?" She asked her voice hoarse.

She sounded like she had been screaming for the last hour.

"You almost died." I answered bluntly.

I still can't believe she would do that. How could she try to leave us like that. How could she leave Elijah. Then the rest of us would have to deal with his grieving. He was bad when she was in headquarters. I don't want to see what would happen if she actually died.

"How did I survive?" Lorelei asked me.

"I dragged your dead butt out of the bathroom." My eyes narrowed to slits.

She stayed silent. The least I was expecting was a half hearted "Thank you".

"A thank you would be nice." I told her.

Lorelei just looked at me.

"Why would I thank you? I wanted to die and you stopped me from doing that." She answered snottily.

"Fine you don't have to thank me but I'm at least expecting a thank you from Elijah when you tell him you almost suicided." I crossed my arms.

Elijah definitely is going to be mad but also thankful to me.

"Lorelei how long have you been struggling with these types of feelings?" A nurse asked in a soft voice.

"A long time," she broke down.

"Did you ever talk to anyone about them?"

"My mom knew," Lorelei wiped away a few stray tears.

"Did your mom do anything to help you?"

"She would always stay in my room until I would fall asleep."

"Did insomnia come with your depression?"

Lorelei nodded her head. The nurse got up from the bed and went to go grab something. I went to go sit on her bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked her in a soft voice.

"Like an idiot," she responded with her face in her hands.

"Hey, you are anything but an idiot," I pull her face out of her hands so she would look at me.

I held her bandaged arms in my hands.

"Listen everyone here loves you and is willing to help out. We just wants what's best for you and it doesn't involved any of these bandages," I gesture to the gauze they wrapped around her arms.

Lorelei has a ghost of a smile across her face and that was all I needed. The nurse got back with some antidepressants and Lorelei took some and fell asleep again.

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