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I can't believe it. This is the final battle before the war is over. No matter what happens this is going to end our war. I look ahead to the Brights that are coming. They are getting really close and I see Lorelei getting ready to fire.

I ready my gun and take cover under the pile of rocks I'm near.

"Guns ready." The General calls.

I get ready to shoot. My whole life has been leading up to this and it scares me to be honest. One mistake and my life could be over. I find my target and prepare to shoot.

"Fire!" The General screams.

I pull the trigger and watch as my target falls to the rocky ground. The Extorian General calls out orders and the Extorians prepare to shoot. We fire madly. It's a bloodbath. As it turns out Extorian blood is silver. I've never been close enough to see what color it was. I was shooting when the Bright I had just shot stood up and began firing at me.

"General these dead Brights aren't dying!" I yell at him.

I know I sound insane but that Bright was dead and now it's standing and shooting at me. I sank three bullets into him and he finally died.

"Lieutenant what are you saying?" General asks through my com in my ear.

"I mean the Bright I had shot got up and started shooting at me!" I yelled over the noise.

A bunch of Brights were running toward our cover and so I pulled out a Grenade. I pulled the pin and threw it. It exploded on impact and one of my fellow soldiers high fived me.

Then when the smoke cleared they were still coming for us.

"General these Brights are explosion proof!" I yelled into my com.

"What are you rambling about now!" He yelled.

"I mean I threw a grenade at them and they didn't die!"

"Just keep firing soldier!"

I pulled out my gun and started firing. I watched as my bullets hit my targets. I was at a point where my ears were numb from the gunshots. I even had ear plugs in but I couldn't hear anything anymore.

Then the person next to me died. Everything became real. I was in real, actual danger and I could die in the next minute. My heart began racing. My hand started shaking as I ran out of bullets.

I tried hard to reload but it took two times as long as it should have. My hand kept shaking and I kept dropping the bullets.

When I finally got the bullets in the gun I missed. I fired and missed. My shot was returned by a storm of bullets. I scrambled to get down in time to not get shot.

I looked around my surroundings feverishly. People were dying. They were falling and we had only a few hundred people still standing. I want to scream at the Brights to stop but I can't. I put my hands over my ears and sit in a fetal position.

Then came our saviors. The air force! Overhead fighter pilots flying planes came shooting at the Brights. I got out of my cover and joined another group where I could successfully shoot.

I felt another rush of adrenaline as I fired again and again at them.

"Do you guys have any bullets left?" One soldier asks.

"I have seven left." One answers.

"I have none left."

"I have three."

"Eight over here."

"General we are running out of bullets over here!" I told him.

"Grab the guns off the dead and use their remaining bullets." He answers me.

"Grab the guns off the dead!" I yell and everyone scrambles for guns.

Sure it wasn't ideal pulling a gun from a dead body but it sure beats waiting around for death.

When I ran out of my twelve bullets I moved trying to find a gun to use. Most of them only had about three bullets left. That's when I found a gun of a different design and it was right by my feet.

I grabbed it and ran back to my position.

"Soldier where in the worlds did you get a Bright's gun?" Someone asked me.

"I found it on the ground." I grinned as I cocked it.

I began firing at the Brights and I was surprised at how good it was at killing the Brights. Usually it would take about three bullets to kill the Brights but the electrical charge that the gun emits kills them instantaneously.

Soon everyone around me had a Bright gun of their own. Some stole it off a living soldier. It was kind of funny seeing the Bright's expressions when you came and took their guns.

I looked around once again and it was even more depressing. There were about five squads remaining and we were losing this fight.

"Indiana don't look just shoot." One of the soldiers told me.

I nodded but I was worried. We wouldn't be able to hold them for very long.

That's when my gun ran out of charge and it was entirely useless. I looked around for a gun with bullets but I couldn't find a single one. It was annoying.

"General we are out of bullets over here!" I yell into my com device.

"Get your Bayonets ready!" He replied.

I pulled out the bayonet piece of my gun and began placing it on my gun. It took a while because my hands were still shaking. When I got it on I called out to the squadron I was in.

"Get your Bayonets ready!" I yelled.

Everyone in the squad took cover and got out their bayonet pieces. The Brights were confused because no one was firing anymore. When we all had our bayonets ready we attacked. Hundreds of soldiers poured out of their cover with their bayonets ready. We charged.

I'm not sure how the Brights took it but I'm pretty sure they were surprised. Let me just say this once Bayonets are very useful inventions. I ran through a line of Brights and tried to stab everyone I could with the blade.

Our plan was going well until the Brights got over their confusion and started firing back at us. People were dropping like flies.  

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