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You can see Orion A now. It is a turquoise color. It's really pretty actually. Elijah is captivated by the colors and I am captivated by the stars. You can feel our descent now. We drop ever so subtly but you can feel the pressure building up in your ears.

As the Planet begins to get bigger and closer Elijah begins to clutch his seat even though he is sitting with a seatbelt on. It feels so nice to be back in a Bridge. The constant hum of machinery soothes me.

"Artificial Gravity off." The Commander of this ship tells his shippers and just like that the Gravity turns off.

I begin to lift off the floor but Elijah stays seated with his seatbelt.

"We are entering the atmosphere now sir." A person in the back informed the Commander.

Suddenly I dropped down into my seat again and the descent was much more noticable. I felt a dropping feeling in my stomach. Elijah was in shock as our entire surrounding had changed. We were surrounded by the clouds that were painted purple by the night sky. Beneath us was a glowing ocean.

It looked so pretty I was mesmerized.

"Never been to another planet have you?" The Commander smiled.

"No." I breathed.

"Well there's always a first time for everything." He smiled.

He seemed like a really nice man. Almost fatherly.

"So why are you guys leaving your planet?" He asked us.

"We are representatives I guess." Elijah answered his questions.

"You guess?" He questioned.

"Well on our planet we are soldiers, well more accurately Commander and Lieutenant Commander. Then we got elected to be representatives. Not sure if we are qualified though." Elijah laughed quietly.

"Commander and Lieutenant Commander, huh. You look a little young to be that high in the military."

"Yea well we were special cases." I smiled.

"Have you ever been on a shuttle before Commander?" One of the shippers asked me.

"Yea. Well no not really but I lived on a Gen-ship up until last year. I know the ropes."

"Did you land it?" His eyes sparkled.

"No, I was recovering from an emergency surgery."

"Emergency surgery? What happened?"

"It was a lot of drama that was really kind of dumb."

"Lorelei that wasn't dumb. If you didn't get that android out of you you wouldn't be yourself right now." Elijah told me dumbfounded.

"Android? Now you have to tell me the story later." The Commander exclaimed.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Blazenfort. George Blazenfort." He put his hand out for me to shake.

"Jameson. Lorelei Jameson. And this Elijah." I say grabbing his arm.

"Nice to meet you both."

"Sir, we are about to land." One of the shippers informed him.

"I suppose you have to go back to the Princeps now. See you later." Commander Blazenfort told us.

When we walked out of the room I was grinning ear to ear. I turned to Elijah and kissed his lips.

"Thank you for showing me that." I hug him to me.

"No problem. I could tell you needed something to take your mind for awhile." He whispers to me.

A soon as we sat down we landed on the runway.

"So nice of you two to join us again." Silas smiled.

"Oh lay off of them Silas, he just took her to see the stars." America laughed.

Silas didn't look too convinced.

"Come on fellow representatives let's go meet the Chancellor." America smiled.

When the door opened, we could see several flashes of light. They blinded me a little.

Elijah grabbed my hand and led me out of the shuttle. We were suddenly bombarded by several people holding cameras.

"Lorelei, what's it like being an amputee?"

"Lorelei is it true you are back together with Elijah?"

"Lorelei is it true you are pregnant?"

"Lorelei, you are so beautiful! What tips do you have for our young viewers?"

I was baffled. I have never had so many people talking to me before in my life. Elijah was getting as many questions as me.

"Elijah how is military life going for you?"

"Is it true you cheated on Lorelei with Veronica?"

"Elijah is it true you got Lorelei pregnant?"

"Are you going to propose to Lorelei soon? If not can you marry me?"

Elijah looked even more confused. I grabbed his shoulders and directed him through the crowd with the cameras. A few tried to grab me. He then proceeded to get angry and pried me away from grabbing hands after someone stole my hat.

My hair spilled out from when they pulled my hat off.

"Lorelei! Do you curl your hair or is it naturally curly?"

"Leave Lorelei alone." Elijah growled at them.

They backed off after that. America was being led by a lady in a very fancy business suit.

"I'm sorry about the paparazzi guys. They have just been having a field day about you two. They don't seem to have a conception of personal space." She rolled her eyes.

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