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I followed America into the room not knowing it would be the single most stressful thing I've ever done. America left Eden with me and I took my place beside Indiana. Indiana had Luna Rose in his arms. He probably would have had Alivia in his arms but she is still working on making more vaccinations.

Most everyone is still sick. It really is a problem. We are trying our hardest to help everyone but it's not gonna work. Then America started talking and we all shut up to listen to her.

"Today we had the single most important battle of the entire war. Many died but more brought honor to our entire species! We just barely pulled through. They were impossible situations but we pulled through in the spirit of Oasis Sun! Now we did this but it doesn't mean that we can do it again. The Brights now know that we are a formidable enemy so they will send their all but we have something they don't. We have them pinned against the wall. We are one move away from winning. Check! Right now our move is in motion. Our Atomic Bomb was just finished today and we launched it. In less than an hour we will be victorious!" America cheered.

All the blood rushed out of my face. I felt like I was going to faint. The Nuclear Bomb was going to the Bright City when Elijah was in it. Then I did faint. I fell and Indiana caught Eden. America saw me fall and so she stopped her speech.

"Hey can someone check and see if Lorelei is okay?" She asked through the mic.

Someone leaned over me and was calling my name but I couldn't hear them. Then Indiana was leaning over me. He slapped me. Not hard but enough to get me out of my daze.

"Why in the worlds would you slap me!" I was yelling at him.

"She's up." He defended himself to America.

"Okay. Lorelei is alright. Can I continue?" She asked.

We nodded and she started her speech again.

"I just want to thank all of you for supporting our colony throughout all of this. I couldn't have done it without you. But mostly I want to thank the military. Being on a council is cool and all but it was the military that put our plans into action and for that I thank you." She was looking at the members of our army that could still stand after that battle.

Then she ranted about how our colonies joined together when we were both at our darkest hours. I wandered over to where August was. He was talking so another person but I needed to talk to him. He started talking to me before I had entirely gotten over there.

"What happened to you?" He gestured to my arms.

"Not important," I waved it off.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"August you know a lot of people right?" I asked him.


"Do you know a pilot?"

"Of course. You are looking at one." He smirked.

"Wait you're a pilot?" I was honestly surprised.

I thought he was a soldier but I guess I was wrong.

"Yeah. Wait how did you not know that about me. I thought that was one of the first things I told you." He recalled.

"I don't know but good for you."

"Why do you need a pilot?" He puzzled.

"Elijah is in trouble and we need to help him." I plead with him.

"What did your boyfriend get himself into this time?" He rolled his eyes.

"He was going to turn himself in to his mother to stop the war. He is in the Bright City right now and now there is an Atomic Bomb coming for the city." I sighed.

"How did you allow him to do that?"

"I didn't know he was in the Bright City until he was there." I defended myself.

"Alright, it's fine. Now you are asking me to steal a Colony plane, fly into enemy territory and save one person?" He questioned.

"I know but please." I pleaded with him.

I was one step away from getting on the floor and begging him to go with me to save Elijah.

"If you don't go with me I'll fly myself." I informed him.

"You both are insane." He muttered.

"I understand that."

"And that is why you are perfect for each other." He smiled.

I really hope that means he will fly me to save him now.

"I will fly you. Just let me go get my co-pilot." He smiled.

I smiled back and he went into the crowd.

"I know that look. What idiotic thing are you planning now?" Indiana walked up to me.

"None of your business." I rolled my eyes and walked away.

Indiana would only stop me from going. I walked looking for August and his Co-Pilot.

When I spotted him he was already walking back hand in hand with his Co-Pilot. Then his Co-Pilot leaned over and kissed his cheek. I couldn't help but smile.

"August do you have a boyfriend?" I grinned.

"Yes." He smiled at me.

"Hi nice to meet you. I'm Lorelei, the idiot who dragged August into this." I shook August's boyfriend's hand.

"Hi I'm Enoch." He shook my hand.

"Now we got to go. Elijah needs to be saved. Let's move on people." I shooed them out.

We walked to a sleek jet and August smirked at Enoch.

"Ever fly one of these Enoch?" He asked.

"Never. Let's do it." Enoch was already getting in.

The two pilots got in the Cabin and I got into the cargo hold. Thankfully there were seats. We taxied down the runway and took off as fast as seemingly possible.

Soon Enoch turned around to me.

"We are going to hit mach speed soon so you better buckle up." He smiled.

I quickly buckled myself and pressed back into my seat. Then we broke the sound barrier.

"I just want you to prepare you. We will be in the city in about thirteen minutes but they will be firing at us and so we will be doing things that will mess with your head, eyes and stomach. It's okay if you pass out." Enoch told me.

And god were they right. 

AscensionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora