Chapter 8

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The days passed and Laura was living her full life, she never felt this alive, Colton never ceased to amaze to her. If they didn't have a meeting at work, he will come and visit her in the office. And If he was overload with work he will call her, and they will stay talking over the phone for hours, she felt like a teenager again.

Laura hasn't told him about her marriage. She was trying to find the right moment. Recently her mother has been calling her non-stop. She wasn't ready to talk to her yet, so she chose to ignore her calls.

"LAURA" her best friend Cassie screeched which made her jump in her seat, she put her hand on her heart.

"What the hell Cassie" Laura glared at her.

'You've spaced out for nearly thirty minutes" Laura rolled her eye. "Tell me what's bothering you?"

Laura shrugged "nothing". Cassie glared at her.

"Spill now" Laura sighed in defeat.

"It's Mom, she been calling me non-stop"

"What does she want again?" Cassie whined.

"I don't know I didn't answer her calls"

"I'm proud of you. You mother is a pain in the ass" Cassie beamed at her.

"Don't forget that she's my mother, mind your language" Laura said with a stern face .Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Anyway tell me, how is your relationship with Colton, did you finally do it?"

"Do what?" Laura asked innocently

"Did you had sex?" Cassie blurted, the girl was never shy to express herself

"Cassie" Laura hissed. She was horrified, she was used to Cassie bluntness, but that caught her of guard. Her face turned crimson at the thought of her and Colton having sex.

"Judging by you face, you didn't do it "she answered mischievously "yet" she added. And Laura wanted the earth to swallow her.

"Cassie drop the subject" Laura snared

"What are you waiting for? He's handsome, and I'm sure he's an expert in that"

"Cassie" Laura hissed

"Jeez, I'm just kidding, no need to be this uptight" Cassie shrugged casually. Laura just rolled her eyes, and continued eating her lunch. They didn't talk about sex. He didn't made advances, and she wasn't ready to reach that step yet, they've just been dating for one month, and it was the best month of her life. Laura received a message from Colton asking if she was free this evening, she replied by yes. He told her that he will come to her house, to take her for dinner to discuss something. It sounded urgent, so she was a bit frustrated that she has to stay until dinner to know what was happening.

Upon hearing the door bell, Laura strode towards her apartment door and opened it, revealing a very handsome Colton, his hair was disheveled. It was a habit for him to run his fingers through his hair when he was anxious.

"Come in" she opened the door wider for him. He walked in without kissing her, Which worried her.

She sat next to him in a sofa. His gaze was fixed in front of him. His fingers were fidgeting, and she reached to hold his hands on hers. She tugged on his fingers to get his attention, he turned towards her, but his gaze never met hers.

"Are you breaking up with me?" she teased him. He went still after hearing her. He shook his head furiously.

"No, never, what made you say that?" he asked incredulously.

"Your message sounded serious, and you didn't kiss me, you are evading my eyes, these are all signs of someone wanting to break up" she shrugged her shoulders.

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