chapter 16

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Laura was sitting in the passenger seat, her left hand intertwined with Colton's hand as he was heading towards his mother's house.

"Are you anxious?" Colton asked her when he noticed the worry lines on her face.

"Yes. A bit" she answered frankly. He smiled at her trying to appease her.

"No need to worry. My mom loves you already" he raised her hand and kissed the back of it "just relax" he murmured against her skin.

"Easy for you to say" she rolled her eyes.

"I will stay beside you all the time, and if you ever want to leave just tell me and we will leave right away"

"Okay" she whispered.

Soon they arrived to a white two story house that was surrounded by a huge garden .On the front porch was a seating for two people. There was a rolling cart on the side filled with a mix of seasonal decorating pieces, potted plants and flowers. On the other side was a wooden swing hanging with pillows above it.

"I love the decoration of your mother's house" Laura said. Colton just smiled at her and reached for her hand

"Ready?" he asked her.

"Let's go" Laura nodded her head. As he was about to retrieve the door's key, the front door opened and a woman in her late fifties appeared with a big smile on her lips.

"Finally I get to meet you" she threw her arms around Laura and lightly squeezed her. She let her go for a moment and looked at her with a faint smile.

"Hello MS Hensley" Laura said shyly.

"Please call me Amanda honey" Colton's mother whined.

"I see that you forgot about me mom" Colton exclaimed. Amanda turned to look at his son and gave him a hug and whispered in his ear" you did well son, she's beautiful"

"Come in, dinner is ready" she urged them inside. The house was filled with the smell of lavender, the inside looked polished and clean. They sat in the dining room where the food was already waiting for them.

"Let's eat before the food gets cold" they ate in a comfortable silence. When they finished eating Laura proposed to help Amanda. They were both in kitchen, Laura was washing the dishes, while Amanda was cleaning them.

"Do you need any help?" Colton asked while standing at the doorstep.

"No need. go call your sister, see if she's still coming?"

When Colton disappeared, Laura said" I didn't get to thank you for making Colton come and see me "Laura smiled.

"I didn't really make him. I just opened his eyes to see what he was losing. From what he told me about you I figured that you were the one for him. I've never saw him looking this happy ever even when he was with brit.." Amanda's eyes grew wide.

Laura wiped her hands and gave her a smile "Don't worry, I already know about what happened with Britney"

"I resented her .After what happened with her, my son changed. I thought that I will never see the old Colton back the one who was always laughing and joking around."

"You don't resent her anymore?" Laura furrowed her eyebrows.

"No I understand now that she wasn't meant for him, plus he wouldn't have met you if they were still together" Amanda joked.

"What makes you think that I will make him happy, that we will stay together" Laura inquired.

Amanda held Laura's hand and squeezed them "I feel it, I see the love between you too, you love him and he loves you too, I'm not saying that there will be no arguments or no up and down in your relationship. Of course they would be, but that's what makes the relationship stronger, understanding and forgiving the other and seeing them past their flaws". Laura's eyes were filling with tears and Amanda hugged her and whispered in her ear.

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