chapter 14

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A.N :I'm so sorry for the long wait 

Laura's office door busted open, and there was Colton looking as sexy as ever, upon seeing her bloodshot eyes and teary face he strode towards her and embraces her in a tight hug, she burst into a fresh bout of tears. Colton coursed her head, and kissed her temple while tears coursed down her cheeks, not caring about his shirt getting soaked due to her tears .After a while she broke Colton's embrace and hid her face in her hand, she turned away from him and retrieved a handkerchief. After wiping her face, she plastered a smile on her face and looked at Colton .seeing the small patches on his face, she said.

"I'm sorry I ruined your shirt" she gestured towards his shirt.

"My shirt doesn't matter to me, you do" Colton gripped gently her shoulders." are you okay?", she looked at floor and nodded. He got closer to her and whispered "let's get out of here" she was about to protest, but he put a finger on her lips "no opposition" and pecked her noise. She smiled and he kissed her deeply on her lips.

They were riding in a comfortable silence. Laura was sitting in the passenger seat, while Colton was driving, one hand on the steering wheel, and the other on her hand that was lying on her thigh.

"So where are you taking me?" Laura broke the silence.

"To the best place where you can relax" he peered at her and grinned.

"Come on tell me" she whined.

"No, you have wait until we're there"

"That's not fair" she pouted

"It is baby" he took her hand in his and kissed it. They stopped at a red light and he looked at her, his gaze wandering over her face, he put his hand on her cheek, and stroked it lightly.

"You know that I love you right"

"Yeah I know" she felt herself blushing so she looked ahead of her.

"Look at me Laura" he tucked gently at her chin. Her gaze drifted to his face.

"I really love you "he peppered her hand with kisses "I've never felt this with anyone, and I don't want to see you sad, if something is bothering you please let me know. I'm here for you"

"Thank you Colton. I love you too" she whispered. They remained looking at each other. He started to lean in, as she was mere inches away from her, a loud honking startled them interrupting their moment. She snickered when the person in the car that was behind them started shouting at them.

After thirty minutes of driving, they finally arrived to their destination. The smell of the ocean quickly relaxed Laura and looked at him.

"You took me to the beach" she grinned. Colton got out of the car and strode towards her door and opened it.

"Come one, let's take a walk" he stretched his hand in front of her.

They were walking hand in hand for a couple of minutes. Colton looked at her and was mesmerized with her beauty, she looked beautiful, but there was so much sadness in her eyes.

"Want to talk about what happened" colon felt her body tense. She stilled for a moment and took a deep breath and said "let's sit there" she pointed to a bench .they walked towards it and sat next to each to other.

"I... um... before I called you, I was talking to my mother over the phone, and she said some things that a mother shouldn't said to her daughter" she took a deep breath. "my mother never treated me as her daughter. She was that kind of person who only cared about themselves and the money. Do you know that she never told me I love you. Like never. When I was a child and I used to ask her to read me a story she would always laugh and tell me that she was busy. And that I should ask my nanny to do it. That my nanny was there to take care of me not her. But her behavior always changed when my father was with us. She will transform into some caring mother who loves her daughter" she chuckled humorlessly. "And I would be happy seeing her taking care of me, I mean who wouldn't" She took a deep breath "one day I heard my mom talking to her best friend, and then her friend asked her why wasn't she treating me right and my mother answered her 'because she is a mistake' this sentence is still replaying in my head as if I just heard it yesterday. My nanny was the one who raised me. I saw her as my mother. She would always defend me, and wipe my tears when I fall. I missed her so much'' her voice broke. Colton pulled her to him and she nuzzled her head in his neck. She felt dropping a kiss on her head. "I'm sorry you went through all of this, you grew up into a strong and a beautiful woman"

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