chapter 10

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I'm sorry I took some time to update this chapter, but a lot of things have been going on in my life lately. I'm graduating in July so I won't be able to update regularly, I hope you understand my situation.

Please vote and comment so I know what you think,it will motivate me to write more and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

I would like to have your opinion about this story. What do you think of it so far?


Laura was still standing on the alley. Her mind was driving her nuts with the numerous questions swimming in her mind. How did he find her? What does he want? .Her parents were the only ones who knew where she was living. They couldn't have told him, she reassured herself .and what if he was true to his words and didn't invest on Colton's company? Will it fall apart? .she strode towards the bathroom to freshen up. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw the worry and the exhaustion taking over her features. Taking deep breaths and patting her face , she walked to their table and sat. She started searching for Colton with her eyes but in vain he was nowhere in sight. she reached for her phone to call him and found numerous of calls from him, she called him in return but he didn't answer. After a couple of minutes, she called him again and he finally answered.

"Where are you? "He sounded out of breath.

"I'm at our table"

"Stay there. I'm coming" and he hung up. After a couple of seconds she felt the chair beside her slide, she turned and came face to face with Colton with a distressed loo on his face.

'Where were you? I looked everywhere for you "he said

"I just went to the bathroom to freshen up"

"You didn't answer my calls" he stated

"I didn't take my phone with me" she said .he nodded his head.

"do you want us to go" he asked sensing her discomfort. She put her hand on his. And smiled

"No. I like it here" she lied. She knew that the charity gala was important to him. So she didn't want to be the reason for him to leave.

"How did you found nick? He is a good man right?".

"I don't know." She said through greeted teeth"How did you meet him?" she inquired.

"A friend of mine introduced him to me, he wanted to invest in a company and he proposed to invest in mine.

"did you met his sister yet?" she asked

"No I didn't. "he shook his head

"Will his investment help your company? I mean I know it will, but you could work without him right?"

"What's with all these questions? " Colton asked suspiciously.

" I'm just I don't trust him" 

'why don't you trust him , you don't even know him Laura"

"And you do "Laura scoffed.

"Tell me what happened? Did he said or do something to you?"

"No he didn't I'm just not comfortable around him. That's all"

'Well you're lucky. You won't meet him again. Just his sister though, but it's up to you if you want to work with her or not" he chuckled. Boy was he wrong Laura thought. She still didn't understand why he wants to meet her.

She was finally happy. she has a man that liked her. She was in love with him, that's why she surrendered to nick's threats. She remembered how Colton was happy when he was talking about his company, how he started it from scratch. She couldn't let nick do this to Colton, Even if it was for her detrimental. She remembered when he was standing on the stage talking about the kids and how he asked the attendants to donate as much as they can. How can a good man like him end up with a woman like her? She thought and now she can be the reason of his company falling apart .she tried suppressing her tears, but one escaped .she turned to other side to wiped but Colton noticed it.

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