Chapter 2

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September 6th.

Since my run-in with Sabrina, the girls at this school avoid me like a plague. And it's getting quite annoying.

So when Mrs. Telson told us to find a partner for a surprise project, I knew I was out of luck.

"Hey, I'm Bridgit." I tap the shoulder of a girl in front of me. She looks me over and sneers.

"I have a partner." She turns around.

Geez, harsh much?

"Hi." I turn to see a boy standing next to me. "Hey." I smile at him.

"I'm Conner." "Bridgit." It actually saddens me that it would now be awkward if we shook hands. I mean, I'm in no contagious state of a deadly virus so why am I the one being rejected of a formal greeting?

"Say, you have a partner?" he says, snapping me out of my dated thought.

I roll my eyes. "Nope. The girls here hate me since I accidentally spilled food all over this girl named Sabrina. But I didn't even mean to do it. It's also not my fault she wore a diamond studded outfit! I mean who-"

He starts laughing.

"Oh, sorry. I'm babbling again."
I babble when I'm nervous. And the fact I have a very cute boy talking to me, doesn't help.

Yes I happen to think Conner's attractive. I mean who doesn't love blonde hair and green eyes?

"No it's fine really. It's just-"
"Conner!" I snap my head toward a late Sabrina. "Why are you talking to her?" She walks in front of me. "Back off."

I scoff. "Break a fingernail princess?" I remark on her fifteen-minute late arrival.
"She's my partner." Conner clears up.

 "I don't think so. Move along blondie. This is my territory." She places a hand on Conner's shoulder.

"Sabrina, it's fine. Why don't you partner up with Ally? She's alone." Conner suggests.

Sabrina huffs and sits in front of us with the girl that "had a partner."

"Sorry I'm late."

I turn and see Shane walk in. I have to say, Shane is very easy on the eyes, like his brother. I wonder what Caleb looked like before everything happened.

Seriously though, is there something in the water here? It may be a small town but there hasn't been a day when someone has caught my eye. No wonder everyone knows me, I stick out.

"You're going to have to make a group of three." The teacher shooed Shane off.

"Sick! Shane, man! Over here!" Conner calls him over.

I snap my head towards him. "What?! I don't think-" "Bridgit," My name rolls off Shane's tongue. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before facing him.

"I see you've met my best friend Conner."
Best friend? Well wasn't that an interesting development.

"Yeah, we've met." Conner smiles down at me. I find myself smiling back, because Conner is one of those people that make you want to smile. Quite like Connel.

Shane clears his throat and we break our gaze.

"What's our project?" Shane asks. "Write and illustrate a short story." I answer.

"You write don't you?" Shane asks.

"What?" I hiss. How does he know this? He wasn't supposed to; no one is supposed to know.

"There were notebooks everywhere in your room with writing in them..."

"Bro," Conner hit Shane's chest and raises his eyebrows, smirking. "He wasn't in my room for the reason you think. In fact he should have never even been there." I clarify.

"I was worried about you." "Don't be. I can handle myself." I flop into my seat. Why can't I dramatically storm out like in every movie montage?

"So on that note, what do you guys want to write about?" Connel asks.

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