Chapter 9

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November 24th.

"Winter ball is almost as big as prom here." I comment to Harper.

Winter ball. Dances have never been a big deal for me, usually because I don't go. The last dance I went to was some stupid middle school dance that I was forced to attend all because I was apart of student council. So you could say dances aren't my thing.

"Yeah, I suppose." She agrees as we watch yet another proposal to the ball.

"Have you been asked yet?" She looks at me.

I shake my head. "It isn't really my scene." Dances were never my scene. Awkward dancing and sitting around drinking watery punch wasn't my idea of a Friday night.

"So if you were asked by someone though?" Harper pegs.

"Depends on the person."

I gather my books into my bag. We only had half an hour left of school then we were off for five days due to Thanksgiving. I've never been so happy for people to eat and call it a holiday.

"Oh crap! I forgot to check out a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird for history class!" Harper searches her bag.

"History class?" "Uh.. Segregation." "Enough said. We can just run by the library." I gesture towards the stairs.

"Actually could I meet you up there? I've got to um.. go to the bathroom."

I give her a weird look.

"Trust me, you don't want me holding my bladder. I'm like a whiny dog." It took only a second for her to start making whining puppy noises. "Fine, I'll meet you up there." I shake my head and head upstairs.

That was quite weird.

Why would Harper have homework over the break anyways? I mean I doubt her history teacher is that cruel. Then again, this is high school.

I walk in to the library. I barley get a glimpse of sight after I enter the doors, before someone covers my eyes.

"What the- Hey get off!" I hiss.

"Relax Bridgit." "Connel?!" I screech. "Let me go you idiot!" I elbow him in the ribs.

"I'm not getting paid enough for this. Can you please just walk?" Connel's voice is horse.

I groan. What is this idiot up to?

"One, two, three!" Connel uncovers my eyes. I have to blink rapidly before I realize what's happening.

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