Chapter 5: Cause Two Can Keep A Secret

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Rosalyn's POV

"So, the most important thing you should keep in mind while performing a spell is to concentrate. You should focus all your power and mind towards the spell and your magical core," Amber stated while sitting cross-legged before me.

"Can you elaborate?"

"Well, before learning some spells, you must know more about witchcraft and the witch world in a nutshell at the least. Basically, the witches originated about a thousand years ago in this very city, in New Orleans, and not just witches; werewolves, vampires, faeries, zombies, everything, but it were the witches who created them all."

"So these creatures are for real? I believed they were just myths and legends."

"Nothing in this world is just a myth. If they were, you wouldn't have evil supernatural beings trying to get to you."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"Werewolves were created by witches, mostly to serve and fight for them. They are harmless creatures, always loyal to the witches, until some of our own cursed and bound them to the bayou. Hardly does anyone go there, and that is where the Werewolf Kingdom strives. My parents used to take us there as kids."

"And what about vampires?"

"That is a tale worth telling. Vampires were also created by a specific witch, one the first, pure-blood witches. She was the most powerful witch the world ever knew of. No one knows why she created those blood driven monsters, but they are perhaps the most dangerous of their kind, and they are the ones who are after you. The original family of vampires."

The mention of the dangerous, blood-thirsty creatures shook me to the core, "But what do they want from me?" I asked, fear evident in my shaking voice.

"See that rose quartz ring on your finger?" She asked, gesturing at the ornament.

I glanced at my ring, gently moving a finger over the embedded stone, "What about it?"

"Every pure-blooded witch is attuned to a particular gemstone. Their parents pass it to them right after that are both. It is infused with the ancestral magic, which protects them from any possible harm. A witch uses their attuned gemstone to harness power from it. Your attuned gemstone is rose quartz. Mine is amber," she lifted her hand, showing me the ring on her finger, encrusted with a bright sunny, yellow gemstone.

"But what is so special about my attunement?"

"The witch who created the first vampires was also a rose quartz att. When two witches have the same attunement, they are considered to be linked in some manner, but for this, both the witches must be alive, while in your case, the other witch isn't."

"But how are they linked? Is it beneficial?"

"Yes. A witch can channel the most power from another witch who has the same attunement as hers."

"But the witch you mentioned isn't alive. How are we linked then? Isn't there any other rose quartz att whom I can channel?"

"No. There isn't."

"How are you so sure of that?"

"In these grimoires," she said motioning at the brown book I had found in my house yesterday, "is a prophecy, which states that after every one thousand years, a rose quartz attuned witch will be born. She will have enough power to either create a supernatural creature as a vampire, or destroy one."

"Can I even do this? Will my powers be enough?"

"You are more powerful than you think you are, Rose, but what I don't understand is how can you channel a dead witch?"

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