Chapter 6: Vow of Secrecy

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Rosalyn's POV

Stretching my arms as I woke up the morning after the rigorous training, I felt refreshed and energetic. Climbing down the bed, I was ready for the day to come.

"So are you done?" Amber asked, coming into my room, dressed in her work clothes.

"Yeah," I nodded, grabbing my backpack.

"Good," she said with a slight smile, "Since I had taken a break from work yesterday, I'll have to cover extra hours. Will you be okay for you to walk back home?"

"Yeah that's fine," I shrugged.

"Alright, so let's get going?"



On reaching school, I immediately looked for Kristen. I needed to show her my powers as a witch. She entered the hall a few minutes later, heading towards her locker.

"Kristen come with me," I grabbed her hand and dragged her with me to the football field, not even sparing her the time to put her books into the locker.

Finally, we arrived at a fairly secluded spot on the field with almost no one nearby, "What's the matter?" Kristen enquired.

"I need to show you something." Grabbing a dry leaf from nearby, I placed it before my feet, "I'm going to burn this."

"... Are you out of your mind?"

"Let's see if I am or not," I replied, closing my eyes and taking in three deep breaths before focusing on my powers. Feeling the pleasant warmth around me, I drew the heat in, slowly but steadily. It rose high through the blood in my veins as a calming warmth spread through me. Focusing it on a single point right at the centre of my forehead, I realized how easy it was the second time and in a split second, I clicked my fingers and discharged the heat right where the leaf was. Opening my eyes, I watched as the leaf drowned in flames.

"Does this mean...?" Her words trailed off, bewilderment glistening on her face.

"Yes Kristen, I'm a witch!" I replied enthusiastically.

"But do you know how to control your powers?"

"My aunt has been teaching me, and I feel pretty confident about it."

She nodded, her eyes distant and thoughtful, "I... I trust you, Rose, but take care of yourself," she placed a light hand on my shoulder.

"I will, Kristen. I... I want a fresh start now. This is the new me, and all I want is to be a better person, someone I wasn't before."

"What do you mean?"

"Just trust me on this," I said before the two of us headed back to class.


During Lunch

"Morgan..." I called out to him slowly, approaching his locker.

Turning towards me, he looked disoriented for a moment, before responding, "Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss. I feel awful that I couldn't offer my condolences."

"It's fine. I didn't come here to talk about that."

"Alright, what do you want to talk about?"

"I... I just realised my mistake. I treated you miserably last year, forcing you to do things that you were clearly not interested in. I just want to apologize for all that I have done to you," I bit my lower lip nervously.

"I forgive you. We can stay as friends, if that's okay with you."

"That is more than I could ever ask for," I embraced him, feeling calmer in his arms.

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