Chapter 54: Where Dreams Come True...

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Stella's POV

"Are we there yet?" Aurora said to me as we were on our way to our hotel in a cab.

"This is the third time you have asked me the same question in the last five minutes."


I took her hand in mine and looked intently into her hazel eyes. "Is something bothering you?"

"...I guess?"

"But you have been on your own for all these years until now. What's different this time?"

"All this time, I have always been on the run, searching a place where no one recognizes me, and now, I am here so that people can recognize me. I feel...overwhelmed."

I squeezed her hand. "You don't have to worry about it. I will always be there for you."

She nodded, with a slight smile.

"We are here." I announced as the car drove to a stop.

Stepping out of the car, I paid the cab driver the charge for the ride before Aurora and I walked up to the hotel doorway, the city lights staring down at us. After checking in, the two of us headed for our rooms.

Once in, I said to Aurora, "Freshen up and throw on some fancy clothes, we are going sightseeing."

"Sightseeing? Now? It's literally 9p.m."

I flopped down on the mattress beside her. "Aww Aurora, Paris is all about its nightlife. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm not taking no for an answer."

"If you say so..."



30 minutes later...

"Where are we going?" Aurora said as we walked through the brightly lit streets of the City of Love.

"Here!" I said as we stood right in front of the majestic Eiffel Tower, a crowd of swarming people taking the view in like we were.


"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it!"

"That's the kind of answer I wanted to hear. I was so overly hyped about this that I forgot to buy us the tickets to reach the top. Sorry..."

"You don't need to be. It's already the best surprise babe."

"Then wait until you get the next one!"

"Another surprise? You know I hate surprises being kept a surprise."

"This one you will love!" I caught her by the hand as we started walking towards the next destination.

Passing along the illuminated streets, we turned a corner until we were finally on a bridge over the Seine.

"This is the love bridge."

"The... what?"

"You know your daggers and knives, but you are clearly behind on your Top 10 Most Romantic Places listicles." I pointed my finger to the multicoloured padlocks hanging from the bridge. "See these padlocks? Couples put them here to symbolize their everlasting love. I think it's sweet. Although I think the city has been trying to take them down because of bridge collapse, blah blah blah..."

Aurora looked over the river with a sense of uncertainty... before I noticed a padlock in her hand.

"I didn't think you knew about the Love Bridge!"

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